Saturday 6 February 2021

No Snow Yet!

 Hello Woofers!

Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret here!

Now, don't think I'm getting depressed or fed up with the weather but.........

                         I AM FED UP WITH BEING MUDDY AND SOGGY!'

Now, just how boring is this?

About the only interesting thing we saw was an Australian Catkin! 

Wot? Don't believe me?




 OK, here is a close up!

 See you tomorrow in the snow!


Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret.


  1. Yo maties. tsk Daisy, you're pulling my tail again with the Australian catkin. It's tipping it down here and we've a forecast of heavy snow tomorrow. Now I've had an exhausting day, you see all day I've been looking after my mum. Now we went to bed last night and she was fine, then she started getting hot, then cold, then hot, then cold, then hot....... She got up and went to work but she came home early and all day, I've snuggled her on the sofa, making sure she was nice and warm. My boy was so impressed when he came home from work that he gave me a nice chew as a treat. I tell you Daisy, these TL's do make a fuss about a little jab. We watched Mrs TM's video a little while ago when my mums head stopped going round and thump. I think we'll be having a nice long lay in tomorrow. I'm off to bed now cos I'm cream crackered. Take care and stay safe all and have a lovely snuggly evening. Love, licks, wags and sniffs from little (nurse) Arch and the (wot did nothing) others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
