Sunday 7 March 2021

A Seriously Lazy Day!

 Hello Woofers!

Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret here!

Now, there are relaxing days and idle days and do-nothing days, but the best ones are the Seriously Lazy Days!

Today has been one of those!

We got up about an hour later than normal and did our normal walk around the golf course. We didn't see any one else, so that means they were all up earlier than us or, on the other paw, everyone else is having a longer 'Sunday Snooze' than us!

Back home we were given a chew and headed for the bedroom while Eric and Wendy had their morning rampage around the house.

Eric knows where the Chicken Strips are hidden!

Eric is a bit like Holly, he is guided by his tummy and as normal, it doesn't take long before he finds the pack of Chicken Strips! Trouble with Eric, if he doesn't get a strip then he will try ripping into the bag and running off with the contents!

We passed the morning away being lazy and just for fun, we woofed at next door who was out washing his car!

We woke Old Two Legs up and managed to get him out early for the lunchtime walk down by the seaside where we met this woofer who was no bigger than a ferret!

I got close but she was grumbling and growling, so we left her to it and carried on!

I don't care if it's good manners or not but you can stay away from my butt!

We have spent the afternoon snoozing and trying to rob OTL of his lunch, always a good game!

OTL was out vacuuming the inside of the big car, cleaning out all the sand and mud. You know it was just getting comfortable before he cleaned it up!

Picking the caravan up tomorrow and with a bit of luck we might get permission to go with OTL.

See you tomorrow.


Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret.


  1. Sounds like OTL was busy instead of having a lazy Sunday with you!!!! Xxx

  2. Yo maties. I've had a busy day, firstly my mum was washing all the throws on the sofas and chairs in the living room so that meant she kept on disturbing me. Then my mum was on zoom with all the wimmin flinging their glue and glitter and they was all laughing and chatting so that disturbed my snooze, I came and got on my mums lap and gave them all the hairy eyeball and they were all ahhhing at me. I heard you Holly chops telling OTL it was time to go out and asking Mrs TM for carrots ....... where was mine????? Me and my mum made 6 cards today but my mum wouldn't let me do any distressing of the edges. We got loads of things done considering it's a lazy day. Nice pictures. Wot a strange little woofer, fancy not being good mannered though and not letting you both have a sniff. I had my walk quite early and I reckon all my mates were still in bed cos I didn't see any of them either. Me and my mum will be having an early night on account of having to go to work in the morning so we're off now to get things ready for tomorrow. Take care and stay safe all and have a good evening, hope you get permission to go with OTL tomorrow, I mean, you need to inspect and make sure they've done a proper job. Love, licks, wags and sniffs from little Arch and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
