Monday 8 March 2021

Back comes The Van!

 Hi Ho Woofers!

Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret here!

I hope you are all well and having fun. Did you see the frost this morning? There was a load of it on the grass on the golf course. We missed the sunrise but because of the clouds we reckon it wasn't up to much anyway!

Old Two Legs was all rushing around like a Blue Tailed Fly 'cos he had to pick the caravan up from the menders. They managed to do the minor repairs OTL wanted done but then they found another load of trouble that needed to be done before we took it out on the road, which of course bumped up the price by 400%!

OTL was not a happy puppy!

Holly and I were not very happy 'cos we were told we would be going with him to pick up the van but in the end, he left us at home!

Mind you, we made up for it when he got home 'cos we rushed him out and down the beach for a run and a sniff!

Daisy sniffing on the beach, followed by Holly sniffing on the beach!

We saw that Daffodilly again, it hadn't been picked over the weekend!

Now that all the mini Two Legs have gone back to school it is very quiet down along the sea front, super!

Not a Mini Two Legs to be seen and all the Big TL's have gone as well!

Now, a short time ago I showed you a blossom on the tree, the first blossom we had seen this year? Well, this is that tree now, loads of blossom and the tree looks wonderful!

Just look at it now!

Now, The Missus feeds the birds every morning with loads of seed stuff and fat balls etc. She also fills up the bird feeder with hair that comes from Holly and I when we get shaved!

Now, so far this year we have managed to stay away from the clippers, so, no nesting materials for the birdies.

Over the past few months OTL has been a bit lazy and has managed to get a fine growth of beard which the ferrets just love nuzzling in and giving it a good lick.

Today however, OTL got shaved and now the feeder is full of hair and OTL is bald!

 Poor OTL, bald as a Coot!

TM is not a nice person to do that to OTL, we are not talking to her this week!

See you tomorrow.


Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret.

1 comment:

  1. Yo maties. Well look at that picture of OTL looking all bald and smart, now far be it from me to tell tales out of school, but while I was snoozing on the sofa yesterday, I heard a conversation about clipping and how easy it was, how you only had to follow the shape of the head ....... say no more, seems like Mrs TM was taking notes. Talking of grooming, my mum says that on Wednesday, I've got an appointment cos I managed to get postponed a couple of weeks ago ...... so on Wednesday, I'll probably look all bald as well. Nice pictures today, love the ones of you and Holly chops. Shame about the caravan costing more, my mum hates it when that happens. So the Sky engineer is supposed to come tomorrow ... my mum is very interested to see how it's all going to work on account of they can only complete work outside ...... my mum says, if they think she's going to pay for something she can't use, they can think again so he better have very clear instructions on getting the new box working. I think I might have to cover my little ears. We were lucky, we didn't have a frost this morning, I think it was too cloudy here for any frost to get through. I've seen the forecast for some days later this week and it doesn't look good. Take care and stay safe and have a good evening all. Love, licks, wags and sniffs from little Arch and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
