Wednesday 10 March 2021

Brexit Paperwork!

 Hi Woofers!

Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret here!

Another of those dismal days where the weather man/woman was right, 'Windy, Wet and Cloudy'!

To show how times are getting bad, we spotted the pigeons roosting in the tree but there were no leaves to keep the wind off. 

A sort of Airbnb?

Will someone shut the door, there's a draft blowing right up my tail feathers!

Right, you distract him and I'll have a roll!

Holly thought that she had found a new way of powering ships, fit them with propellers. She got the idea from one of the ships in Sheerness Docks!

All we need is wings and it would fly!

Now that Old Two Legs has donated all his hair to the birds, Miss Wendy says she would rather he grow it all again, having a little nuzzle with his stubble is just not the same!

It's all scratchy and it tickles my nose!

Even Eric says he prefers a big beard 'cos he can ferret around for tasty bits lodged under OTL's chin!

OTL has just had his first order for stuff from overseas. That has sent him scurrying for his notes on CN23 forms and EORI numbers and other stuff that gave him a head ache when it first came out! 

I can see there will be more headaches before long!

See you tomorrow. Luv,

Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret.


  1. Yo maties. Hasn't it been rotten today, all that wind and rain. I refused to go on a walk and made my mum carry me to the car when it was time to go to the groomers, I don't do wet! I'm not speaking to my mum at the moment and we've had words about me trying to dig a hole on my sofa. I'm practically bald, I've been drown, roasted, tugged and nearly had the skin cut off me this afternoon, I'm not a happy chappie. My mum still hasn't got the hang of the new remote for the telly, my boy can work it no problem but then us chaps are blessed with brains wot can do technical stuff. Poor OTL, can't he just write a note to the customs chaps and say, dear chaps, this is stuff wot they need overseas so just post it and stop whinging, yours sincerely OTL. Perhaps Mrs TM should save some of OTL's shavings and use her glue to stick them on one of the blankets, then Wendy and Eric can still snuggle up to his beard. I'm full of good ideas today. I've just had another one, think I deserve a nice pre scoff snooze to get over the trauma of the groomers. Take care and stay safe all and have a good evening. Love, licks, wags and sniffs from little Arch and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  2. Very dismal day here too . . . Wet and increasingly windy. Xx
