Tuesday 9 March 2021

Back to work again!

 Hi Woofers!

Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret here.

Well, all the mini two legs have gone back to school and that means there is work to be done by Old Two Legs!

There we were this morning, rolling out of bed a little later than normal, enjoying a snooze and catching up on the nights snoozing when we get a panic phone call from one of the schools who have suddenly decided that their communication system needs looking at!

That was it, OTL was off after our walk and left us to it as he went off having fun by keeping out of the way of the mini two legs who might be carriers of this Covid-19 thingy.

Lucky for him, most of the visit was spent on the roof of the school!

He didn't get back until half way through the afternoon, all worn out and with a list of things to through quote for to improve things!

All a bit boring really but it keeps him busy and out of trouble!

Now, remember Rocky the Parrot? Well yesterday was his third birthday and he celebrated it in fine style

by ripping up the newspaper and then pooing on the back of the sofa!

That's my boy! 

Sorry about there not being and photos or much to write about but if OTL isn't here to take us out we miss out on interesting things, like sniffing and stuff!

Never mind, we will see you all tomorrow!


Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret.

1 comment:

  1. Yo maties. Well that was very interesting Daisy, I was telling my mum all about it and she said when she was at school, teachers didn't need anything much to communicate with other than a very loud voice and a blackboard rubber ........... Things seem to have moved on since them days though. I know my mum could keep all her kids in the classroom communicated with cos she's got a very loud voice and you don't need to be told, wow betide you if you ignore her ....... Tell OTL to keep well away from the mini TL's cos they carry lots of orrible germs and things like nits, he don't want the nits cos he might pass them on. Oooh must sing happy birthday to Rocky, after 71, happy birthday to you, look where you did a poo, on top of the queens picture, happy birthday to you. Happy birthday Rocky. Well we got our new sky stuff today and my mum said a nice chap came and put up a new dish ..... I could do with a new dish .... and he brought a new box ..... and he was a brave chap cos he said he was allowed to come in and sort the box if me and my mum left the room while he was doing it, so we did. My mum isn't overly impressed with the new remote, wot you can talk too, but my boy seems to have got the hang of it, on the plus side, when my mum can't remember where she put the remote, if she presses the button on the front of the box, the remote makes a noise so you can find where you put it when you lost it. I didn't manage to go for my walk until this afternoon on account of having to wait in for the sky man, I met a new woofer today, his name is Toby and he's a strange chap, firstly he kept barking at me and scraping up the mud, but he wouldn't come near me or let me go give him a sniff, after a little while he decided he wanted to come and sniff me but he still didn't want me to sniff him ..... I decided he was boring cos he couldn't make his mind up so I went and investigated his TL. Me and my mum are looking forward to a nice lay in tomorrow, we're going to be short of chances to lay in this week on account of my mum will be working an extra morning. I'm off to see Caroline the groomer tomorrow, I bet she tries to drown me again, it would be so nice to visit and not get drowned. Take care and stay safe all and have a good evening. Love, licks, wags and sniffs from little Arch and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
