Monday 1 March 2021

Drafty or Wot!

 Hello Woofers!

Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret here!

Well, after those wonderful days of sunshine and balmy breezes wot did we get today?

Wind, grey skies and a cold tail!

We could hardly see the Drilling Rig in Sheerness!

Old Two Legs took us along the top path because he said there was no way I could go in swimming today!

I mean, me, going in swimming in this cold weather?

Back home OTL left us and headed off to the dump with loads of old electronic things that had stopped working and bins full of old metal stuff that was too bent and broken to ever be any use again!

One good thing we saw, a Hawthorn tree that seemed to have sprouted flowers over night, I mean, a whole tree full!

Now, is this a sign or wot?

As we got closer towards the car park, we heard a Robin singing its tail feathers off, looking for a mate or just keeping his little patch!

Another sign that Spring is here!

OTL has been plonking away on the computer all afternoon, boring accounts!

See you all tomorrow, caravan clearing getting it ready for the menders!


Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret.


  1. Yo maties. Well Daisy you're quite right about the chill today. I went for a walk this afternoon when the sun had come out but it was still quite chilly. My mum had to go out early for an appointment this morning and came back frozen. We had a little siesta to warm her up though. Tomorrow my mum is going to watch a hearse go by where she works and some of the woofers who were the lady's favourites are going too, now my mum doesn't know whether to take me on account she reckons I'm not always a good boy, but I think she's wrong and lots of my mates will be there. Then my mum has got to go to the vets to pick up some flea and worming stuff cos she used the last of the stuff on me last week. I don't know who the new stuff is for, perhaps it's for my mum or my boy. We've done a few jobs today but on the whole we've had a pretty lazy day. Sounds like OTL was working hard though. Nice pictures today, but where's the pictures of you and Holly chops. I wonder if you'll find some chicken strips in the caravan when you clear it out. Take care and stay safe all and have a lovely evening. Love, licks, wags and sniffs from little Arch and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  2. WOW . . . I never saw any fog down here . . . But that may be cuz I got up late! We had a lovely day weather wise, but a chilly breeze if you went in the wrong direction!

    Did a bit of spring cleaning.

    Good luck with caravan chores today.

    Hugs, Sarn xxx
