Thursday 8 April 2021

...and today I get a Deep Paddle!

 Hello Woofers!

Us again, Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret.

Well, it's getting better, the temperature was up a little from yesterday. It's not warm, just warmer!

This morning on our walk across the old golf course we met up with Millie and Maxie and of course, Old Two Legs got to give Millie a cuddle and she even gave OTL a lick on his nose, the Tart!

It's only Holly and I who are allowed to give OTL a lick on the nose!

It is still all the paperwork that is employing his time. 

Mind you, with him at the desk means we can cuddle up to his feet, all warm and cosy!

Eric was rattling the cage door but when it was time to go out OTL found him fast asleep in the cuddle cup, snoring his tail off!

Now, one of the good things about warm weather is that I get the opportunity to go in for a swim or deep paddle.

Now, OTL knows this and doesn't normally worry, providing I am wearing my 'Skinny Harness'. However, if I have my big harness on, he gets all upset and shouts at me, not that I take any notice of him!

Today, as we walked along the sea wall, he called me over and took my harness off before we got to the sea wall.

I was wondering what it was all about, until I saw that it was high tide!

Me, with the harness off.

Holly, not the sort of woofer to get her paws wet, retained the harness and tried to ignore the sea!

It's not there, I don't see the sea!

Unfortunately, I see the sea and do notice it is in and, well, it just called me in for a deep paddle!

Roll on the Summer when I can get a full swim!

OK, so I didn't go in swimming but it was a good sign, you know, summer is coming!

Another sign of summer is the rubbish bins being set alight when the Bozo Two Legs put their Bar-B-Q tray in the rubbish bin while the charcoal is still burning hot.

This is what happens, the plastic and paper in the bin, plus a few poo bags, catch alight and, Whoosh, up it goes!

Not much left!

It's just over the back from the bin that the field is covered with those Slippy Cow plants, loads of them, let’s hope the grounds man doesn't cut them all down!

Leave the Wild Flowers alone!

The more wild flowers you leave to grow the more wild flowers there will be and the more insects there will be and more wild life to feed off the insects.

Friday tomorrow, the Bin Men call tomorrow so that means Holly and I get to have a good woof at them!

See you tomorrow!


Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret.

1 comment:

  1. Yo maties. smashing pictures again today, I don't know how you can get in all that water though Daisy, yuk, I don't do wet. Talking of wet, my mum took me off to the college this morning for my appointment, well it's all covid safe, so a nice lady vet came out to get me, only thing was, it started to rain, my mum lifted me out of the car and the lady took my lead, I took about 5 steps and realised it was raining, so I stopped, I told her, I DON'T DO WET, that was it, I wouldn't move forward, backward, sideways, over or under so she had to pick me up and carry me. My mum waited in the car while they examined me all over, then the trimmed a bit of my hair on my chest, then the scanned and stuck thingys on my chest and I was hooked up to a machine, well I was just such a good boy and after a couple of hours the Dr chap took me back to my mum and gave her my results, which my mum was quite pleased with, I'm also taking part in a study for noises from the heart. Next week I've got to go to my vet to get my blood pressure checked, the Dr chap reckons my blood pressure was a bit high but he said it might be due to stress of being there but my mum explained to him that I've been to the vets every week for the last 4 weeks were I've been having ladies interfere with my butt which can be a bit painful and that I probably thought they were going to start messing with my butt today. Anyways, I don't need any medication and I can go back in 6 months and they will do the tests again to make sure things are ok. I must admit me and my mum were very tired when we got home but I had a bit of scoff in the car when the Dr chap took me back to my mum and then I got more scoff when I got home. Do you know I'm such a brave little chap, my mum is really proud of me. Sorry to hear OTL is still having to do paper work, my mum is at work in the morning and then she's got to go for her 2nd covid stabbing tomorrow afternoon, I bet she won't be as brave as wot I am. My mum says she hopes the oiks wot burnt the bin, burned their fingers. Take care and stay safe and have a good evening all. Love, licks, wags and sniffs from little (very, very brave) Arch and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
