Friday 9 April 2021

No Paddles today!

 Hi Woofers!

Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret here!

Now, don't it just look like Spring is well and truly arrived!

Our walk around the old golf course was most pleasant this morning, I know we didn't meet anyone but it was all weeing and sniffs all the way around!

It was still all bright and breezy at lunchtime as we wandered along the sea wall. Old Two Legs made sure I didn't go in the water for a paddle, just because I had my big harness on after it had been washed and dried overnight.

As it was high tide there were the fishermen down on the sea wall teaching the worms how to swim!


Never mind the fishermen, just look at those clouds!

Eric came with us today, he has been rattling the cage all morning but just as we were getting ready to go out, he fell asleep through exhaustion brought on from cage rattling!

OTL said that he was not getting away that easily and woke him up!

Eric just loves the area where the Cow Slippers are growing and had a roll.


  A roll without OTL telling him off!

 Now why is it that Holly and I get called 'Stinky Doggies' when we enjoy a roll but Eric gets away with it!

It's just not fair!

As we were going through the forest, he found another sniff to roll in and that was just after some Two Legs stopped to say hello and stroke Eric!

I mean, why does everyone want to stroke Eric?


Me? Stinky Ferret? Never!

 Today, being Friday, OTL finished up in the office just after lunchtime and spent some time clearing up his 'Work Area'.

When he had finished it really didn't look any cleaner, but there were some different piles of paper and books!

It's a TL thing!

See you tomorrow!


Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret.

1 comment:

  1. Yo maties. Nice pictures again today, you were lucky with the weather, it's raining here. My mum has had her 2nd covid stabbing this afternoon and she got home to find the bill from my visit had arrived. My mum has paid some of the bill and the rest is going to the insurance company. My mum and my boy have both got the weekend off, that's a very rare occasion in our house to have them both at home at the weekend so we'll all make the most of it. Now I managed to snag myself a choccie this afternoon, my mum was very carefully putting a few sweeties in a little pot and one fell down and I was on it before it touched the ground, she says if I get the grumblies she won't be pleased. It was only 1 and it wasn't very big so I'll probably get away with it but boy it was tasty. You know I think you and Holly chops need to sit OTL down and have a word with him about discrimination, if Eric can roll in sniffs, then it's only fair that you two should be able to roll in sniffs. Take care and stay safe and have a good evening all. Love, licks, wags and sniffs from little Arch and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
