Friday 30 April 2021

Something Different!

 Hi Woofers!

Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret here!

Now, has Eric had a fun day. Well, first thing this morning he was rattling the cage, busting to be let out for a run with Holly and I. It was rather mild and with no wind blowing it was a very enjoyable walk around the old golf course.

Eric insisted that he was carried around the first bit 'cos there was just too much woofer poo spread around!

Unlike him, us woofers don't poo in our cage, mind you, we don't have a cage!

Back home he was still full of beans and while Old Two Legs cleaned the cage out Eric and Wendy went off rampaging around the lounge and kitchen and getting into as much trouble as possible!

Lunchtime arrived and by now Miss Wendy was getting tired and headed for her bed but Eris was still up for a run down on the beach!

OTL decided that he would take the Infrared camera out with us but when we arrived the sun that was out had gone back in so the pictures were not as crazy looking as normal!

Well, the clouds were not as dramatic as these shows but we don't have any blue skies to set against the mono of the clouds!

Maybe he should have brought his big wide lens and gone for a big panoramic shot!

Holly and I went for a run on the sand while Eric went sniffing around the sea shells before racing along the bottom of the sea wall and up onto the path!

Once he had got up onto the grass it was a race through to the forest and a good 'ferret' in the undergrowth.

Holly and I had a wander around in the trees as well but we kept away from some of the stronger sniffs that Eric says were Niffler Poo!

Now, would you believe that in there, in the undergrowth are two little puppies, Holly and me!

Eric is trying to climb up OTL's leg and then get into the bag but OTL made him walk all the way back to the car where there was a drink waiting for him in our water bowl!

See you all tomorrow.


Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret.

1 comment:

  1. Yo maties. It's been quite chilly here today. Smashing pictures but I can't see you and Holly chops in the undergrowth. Well Alfie puggle has arrived, he left his manners at home and he's trying to get all the scoff. He's peed all round my garden and if I'm not careful he'd pee on my head. He's like a bull in a china shop and when my boy came home from work he was all over him like a rash, now that is not wot I call good manners. He needs to stand back and let me get all the fuss from my boy until I say it's ok for him to get a stroke. I can see I'm going to have to put my paw down with Alfie. He brought his own bed but he's laying in one of my beds ...... wot a cheek! This week better go quick cos I'm running out of patience with him and he's only been here an hour. At least he brought his own toy this time. If he thinks he's sitting on my mums lap, he's got another think coming cos it's MY MUM!!!! Take care, stay safe and have a good evening all. Love, licks, wags and sniffs from little Arch, the others and the floor monster. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
