Thursday 29 April 2021

There is rain on the horizon.

 Hello Woofers!

Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret back again.

Well, that finishes the sunshine and warm weather for a week or so!

This morning Old Two Legs had to put on his warm coat before going out for a walk with Holly and I!

OTL says that Holly and I are 'much better', that is our grumbly tums are better. He knows about these things 'cos he always picks up our poo and looks at it!

The clouds were the best thing about today, they look all big and bold and wet inside!

These are whats called 'April Showers'!

While OTL was studying the clouds, Holly and I headed off to the poo bin for a sniff to see if any of the lads had been past it today.

You know, I'm sure I saw a rabbit dive into the bushes!

A bit further on we spotted a stranger wandering about. Holly and I stood there and gave him the old 'Thousand Yard Stare' which sort of confused the woofer as it was obvious, he hadn't been down here before!

Honest girls, I only want a sniff!

We headed off towards the forest cos the clouds were growing darker all the time and to be honest, as much as I like swimming in the stuff, having it drip down my neck and under my collar is not my most favourite feeling!

Those clouds sure do look like they could be Very Wet!

As we got close to the car it started, drip, drip on my back and Holly didn't look too pleased either!

We spent the afternoon snoozing which to be honest was very nice, in fact it was wonderful and we left OTL to play with his new security camera.

See you all tomorrow, Friday really is the best day of the week!


Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret.

1 comment:

  1. Yo maties. It's been very chilly here today. I went for an early walk but I didn't see any of my mates, I reckon they were all having a lay in. Tomorrow evening Alfie puggle comes to stay for a week. My mum said I've got to remember my manners and let him play with my toys and not to frisk him when he goes home. I have to frisk him cos he always tries to sneak out with my toys. He better remember his manners and behave like a polite visitor. Smashing pictures today, always nice to see pictures of my favourite girls. Hope OTL is happy with his new security camera. Take care, stay safe and have a good evening all. Love, licks, wags and sniffs from little Arch and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
