Friday 7 May 2021

Eric has Two Outings!

 Hello Woofers!

Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret here!

Well, no rain or dark clouds and not damp under paw!

Eric was up good and early this morning and rattling on the cage door to let us know he wanted to come out with us!

Again, he ran almost half the way around the old golf course and even managed to unclip his lead from his harness!

There was Eric, running towards the houses with Old Two Legs in hot pursuit and even managed to pick him up while on the run!

Lunchtime he was rattling on the cage door again!

So, Eric was put in the travelling cage and off he went down to the sea side!

It was amazing just how many Two Legs there were running about!

Not only TL's but there were a good number of ships out in the estuary as well!

As the tide was in I managed a bit of a dip before Old Two Legs shouted at me for being a 'Mucky Puppy'!

Mine you, I had a good excuse, you see a couple of months before we go on holiday, we get our dose of anti-tick stuff squirted onto our shoulder blades and it's horrid!

It itches like mad and I do everything possible to rub it off, including going in for a dip, if possible!

So, I don't care what OTL says, I'm still going to go in for a dip and then roll on the sandy beach!

Eric is lucky, he gets his dose while he is half asleep and doesn’t even feel it dripping over his shoulders!

Look! I'm a tick free ferret!

He can laugh his tail off but in a couple of days he'll get a squirt and we'll se what he has to say then!

See you all tomorrow!


Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret.

1 comment:

  1. Yo maties. Well we've not had any rain here today either but it has been chilly. Is Eric in training for a marathon? Smashing pictures again today. Now that Alfie puggle tried to pinch my teddy bear but I told my mum and she took it away from him and gave him is own one, which was one wot he pinched from me last time he stayed here. Now I forgot to tell you about yesterday, well yesterday my mum let me and Alf into the garden for a wee and I spotted 2 cats .... well I chased one off and Alf ran back inside the house, I mean, wot a wimp. Anyway the other 1 was behind the bamboo fence wot stops me from jumping up and down on the wall at the bottom of the garden and do you know wot it had done, it had caught a baby bunny and it was eating it ..... wot a murdering cat ...... my mum says if she catches it in the garden again, she'll part it with its head like wot it did to the baby bunny, wot a big bully cat. My mum was not a happy bunny clearing up the mess wot it left behind. Now Alf decided to have a barkathon again last night wot didn't make my mum very happy on account of we had to get up early this morning for work, so he got a telling off. He's supposed to go home tomorrow and I'll be glad to get my mum back all to myself and my sofa and my boy and my scoff. My mum realises now wot a good boy I am, I keep telling her but now she believes me. Glad you managed to get a dip today. Take care, stay safe and have a good evening all. Love, licks, wags and sniffs from little Arch, the others and Alfie wimp. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
