Thursday 6 May 2021

Washed, Splished and Butt Shaved as well!

 Hello Woofers!

Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret here!

It's been a right day today; everything has been all mixed up!

It started off with Eric announcing that he wanted to come out for a walk with us, especially as the rain had come down over night and the grass was soaking.

Eric got wet right down to his skin!

It was so bad that Old Two Legs had to give him a rub down with one of our Woofer Towels!

Lunchtime came and he decided he would stay in bed and cuddle Wendy!

Holly was running around chasing sniffs while I had a little paddle in the sea!


I wouldn't go swimming in there, I've just wee'd in it!

The sky couldn't make up its mind if it was going to let the sun shine through or dump the rain that was hanging around!

Shall I or Shan't I?

We headed off to the forest before it decided to rain!

Now this one looks better in colour than mono!

Now, we have not noticed Bluebells in the forest before so it was a real treat to find this one growing just off the path.

A little further on we spotted this one but we are not sure what sort of Bluebell it is, Spanish?

Any ideas?

When we got home Old Two Legs got all the hair cutting tools out and set about washing Holly and shaving her all over!

Holly was not happy!

After Holly it was my turn and no matter how much I wriggled and rolled about he kept on and now,

I feel as bald as a Coot!

Whatever a Coot is!

See you tomorrow!


Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric the Ferret.

1 comment:

  1. Yo maties. Well I send you both my sincere sympathies for being washed and clipped .... wot is it with the TL's don't they realise that it's still a tad chilly and a woofer needs their coat when it's chilly. Nice pictures today. Now I heard about Mrs TM getting stabbed with the worlds biggest needle the other day and she said she was very brave, well done Mrs TM you can join my club for bravery. I've been brave today, that Alfie bashed me in the eye with his clumsy paw, it did make me say ouch. Now we went for an early walk and we bumped into Brenda with Milly and another lady with a new pup ........ well now Milly, new pup and me were all discussing sniffs and Milly and me were telling the new pup how to behave to become a proper woofer and do you know wot that Alf was doing ...... well, he was only squatting and doing a poo ........ how embarrassing is that and is that a good example to set to a puppy, and how rude to do that in front of lady woofers as well, wot an oik. Me and my mum were planning a lay in this morning but we were rudely awakened by the oik scratching the kitchen door, you wait until tomorrow when me and my mum have to get up at 4, we'll be waking him up. Glad Eric managed to get out for a run with you this morning. We had some rain today, this weather can't make its mind up, sunny and warm when we get up, then along come the clouds, down comes the rain and it gets chilly. Take care, stay safe and have a good evening all. Love, licks, wags and sniffs from little Arch, the others and the oik. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
