Sunday 9 May 2021

Happy Birthday Eric!

 Hello Woofers!

Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret here!

Now, didn't we warn you about today? 

Today is Eric's birthday and he has been enjoying it like a ferret should!

He was up early to open his presents and then get his harness on so he can go out for a walk with Holly and I.

The old golf course has several places where woofers and foxes have dug into the sand, making holes that are just right for a ferret to have a dig as well!

He went into every hole and had a great time digging into the sand, making the holes bigger and deeper!

In fact, he was making such a mess that even Holly joined in the birthday dig as well!

Back home he had a great time running about in the lounge and re-arranging his squeaky rubber balls.

He transferred a few from upstairs to down stairs and some from down stairs to upstairs and all the time he was 'Dooking' his tail off!

He was tickled pink when we sang his Happy Birthday song!

Happy Birthday to you,

Have a bucket of poo,

Go and Kick it around the kitchen,

Happy Birthday to you!

Well, after all this running about he was exhausted and retired to his bed and slept for most of the day!

 Happy Birthday Eric de Ferret!


  1. Yo maties. Well after an exhausting week with company and an exhausting day today, I've come up with a song for Eric ........ Happy birthday to you, ferrets do lots of poo, Did you poo in the sand or in OTL's hand. Happy birthday Eric xx.
    Well today I went for an early walk cos the weather was very nice, then I came home and sent my mum out to cut the grass with her new mowing machine, then I had a snooze while she did the ironing, then me, my mum and my boy had a game of soccer in the garden. I won, I scored all the goals, then I got tired and walked off and left them to it. Alfie puggles mum came round this evening and bought us all some gifts for looking after Alfie, now I should have had them all really cos it was me wot really looked after him and let him snooze in my house and eat scoff in my house and poo in my garden. I did get a water bowl wot goes flat when it hasn't go water in it and you can use it as a frisby. Me and my mum watched Mrs TM flinging the glue again today. My mum and my boy are both working tomorrow but my mum will be home from work soon after my boy goes. It's been nice and warm and sunny here today so I hope it lasts. Take care, stay safe and have a good evening all. Love, licks, wags and sniffs from little Arch and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  2. Happy birthday Eric. Glad u had a good day xxx
