Tuesday 11 May 2021

Sunny day and Headlight Polishing!

 Hello Woofers!

Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret here!

You know, Eric is getting to be a right little long-distance runner. This morning he was rattling his cage as we were getting ready for our morning stroll around the old golf course.

Holly and I went off sniffing the sniffs and weeing in all the normal places while Eric was digging bigger holes that had been dug by woofers and foxes!

Back home he was rattling his cage again but this time he wanted some Chicken Strips but we hadn't got any cos they had all gone!

Eric was not a happy ferret!

After cleaning all the cages and getting Holly and I sorted Old Two Legs went off into town and purchased three bags of Chicken Strips!

When he got back, Eric was still rattling the cage but started dooking his tail off when he sniffed the Chicken!

After demolishing a whole Chicken Strip, he headed off to bed with Miss Wendy and don't seem to have woken up at all this afternoon!

Holly and I headed off to the sea side for a super stroll along the sea wall.

  More worms learning how to swim?

OTL told me I couldn't go in swimming so I walked along the sea side and well, I couldn't help it if the waves came along and washed over my paws!

 If that wave gets any closer, I'll end up with damp paws!

 Looking at all the flowers that are out we came across this bunch enjoying the sunshine, trouble is, we don't know what they are called!


 So much for OTL the herbologist!

 I can see OTL taking out the camera with the 105mm macro lens for better shots of the flowers and butterflies!

See you tomorrow.


Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret.

1 comment:

  1. Yo maties. Well it's been a nice day here today and I had an early walk, I met little Alfie, not Alfie puggle but the other Alfie wots really little, he was on his way to Alfie puggles house for a grooming session, I gave him my sincere condolence at having to be put in the bath but he didn't seem too worried. I've been in and out of the garden for the rest of the day, doing lots of guarding. I sent my mum out to do some shopping cos my boy wants hot dogs for tea and she brought me back some teeth cleaning chews. Smashing pictures today, I asked my mum about that flower and she said she didn't know but it was very pretty. Perhaps Eric is working on redesigning the golf course. Take care, stay safe and have a good evening all. Love, licks, wags and sniffs from little Arch and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
