Wednesday 9 June 2021

Almost Too Hot!

Hi Woofers!

Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret here!

What a day! I mean, we do like the warm weather with blue skies and no clouds but right from first thing this morning it has been warmer that it has been all year!

This morning it was so hot that the birds stayed hidden in the bushes so all Old Two Legs had to photograph was the vegetation!

 No, not sure what this is or was but we supose it had petals at one time, just not now!

 This is a good one, no flowers but it had  a mighty great number of seed pods that were waiting for Autumn Time to spread the seeds all over the place!

 Now, you know what this one is and it even hangs onto the flower head over the Winter time so it gets a good start in the Spring!

 Now Holly looks at these and says that they look like Whizz Bangs after all the seeds have dropped!


 Just before the forest this lot came into sight, absolutely loads of them, we reckon that they must have sown a load of Wild Flower seeds to get this spread of blooms!

Just amazing!

Finally, we spotted a flash of blue and look what landed in front of us!

It's a pity we didn't see it with the wings spread out, the blue really stands out!

Tomorrow it is down to the rubbish dump then back home to load the caravan full of nibbles and stuff.

OTL is going to get out his clothes tonight so that when Saturday comes, we can leave at the crack of dawn and get a good start.

Gretna Green next stop?

Hey! What do you think of the garden?

All full of 'Wild Flowers' and floggies!

OTL says that when we get back from the holidays, he is going to clean out the pond and fill it with new plants and stuff!

Maybe Holly and I can then go in swimming!


 See you tomorrow.


Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret.


  1. Yo maties. Cor, it has been hot today. I went to the groomers and had a bath and a trim and a play in the garden with Alfie puggle to break the time up. It's been too hot to do much today so I didn't. Now last night I didn't fancy going to bed again so my mum made us a bed downstairs on the sofa bed but then I decided I wanted to go upstairs cos the upstairs bed is more comfie ...... my mum didn't half moan. We've got fans going all round the house, it's more like living in windy city here but it's still very hot. Nice pictures today, shame there's none of you and Holly chops though. Now who is going to look after all the floggies when you're away? Hope you've remembered to tuck your treats away in a safe corner in the caravan. My mum thought she saw a damselfly in our garden last night so off she went to get her camera, when she got back and got closer, it turned out to be a bit of wire fence ...... I reckon she should go get her eyes checked soon. Take care, stay safe and have a lovely evening all. Love, licks, wags and sniffs from little Arch and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  2. Lovely seasonal photo's. Nice to have a garden pond with floggies.
    Have a safe journey Saturday and a great holiday xxx
