Tuesday 8 June 2021

This weather better continue long enough for our holiday!

 Hi Woofers!

Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret here!

Another super sunny day with just the hint of a breeze!

We asked Eric if he wanted to come out with us but he said he was just too tired after the trip to the vet he would pass on the kind offer!

Today we have been hunting flowers and came across a load of Goats Beard with different coloured flowers.

First there was this one with the yellow petals in the centre of the flower.

Then there was the one with the big yellow centre and no purple petals at all!

Next the more traditional Goats Beard with no yellow and just purple petals. This is how we normally see the flowers.

Now, we don't know what this one is but it has four leaves and a flower in the middle, strange!

This one is a Damselfly and has nothing to do with flowers!

When we got to the bench Old Two Legs decided to try to get a picture of Holly and I but Holly stayed under the bench while I roasted on top after taking a well-earned 'Deep Paddle' in the river!

Let's hope the weather keeps going like this over the holiday!

See you tomorrow!


Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret.


  1. Yo maties. Well my mum cheated, it was so hot last night that we got up very early, went out for a walk, bathed, did the washing, hung it out, did a big shop at Waitrose, came home and cut the grass .......... phewwwwww, I was shattered after all that but my mum promised we could have a siesta ...... yeah right ..... the postman came with happy post so she got out all her glue and proceeded to fling it, trouble is, it was so hot that everything she did was rubbish and ended up in the bin. So that was a right waste of good siesta time. Now, I didn't want to go to bed last night and my mum couldn't work out why ..... in the end I decided I needed a poo ..... so after getting extra scoff to see if I was hungry ..... out I went, did a poo, well it was getting quite dark and my mum didn't want to try to get through the minefield of snails so she decided to pick it up this morning .... out she went at the crack of dawn ......... NO POO ........ did she dream it she wondered ........ no..... I definitely went ...... but NO POO ....... hmmmmm ...... I reckon it got up and run away in the night, she spent ages looking for it, even though she knew where I did it, I was laughing my tail off cos she wouldn't give up looking for it. Smashing pictures today but the best flowers are always Daisy and Holly, even if them other flowers are very pretty. Now I don't blame Eric for having a lay in today, I don't think TL's realise just how exhausting it is for us 4L's when we've been out and turned the charm on with the ladies. I'll keep my paws crossed that the weather stays nice for your holidays. Now I definitely have an appointment tomorrow for a bath ........ yuk, yuk, yuk and a trim, yuk, yuk, yuk. Take care, stay safe and have a lovely evening all. Love, licks, wags and sniffs from little Arch and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  2. Happy hols - I also hope the weather behaves itself while you’re away
    Hugs, Sarn xxx
