Wednesday 2 June 2021

The 'Last Minute Jobs'

 Hello Woofers!

It's Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret again!

Today has been a day doing loads of 'Serious' stuff.

It started with Old Two Legs wondering what would a red filter do to the B&W photos, so, on the morning walk we snapped off a few just to see what would happen.

The same setting produced a dark looking photo but it brought out the clouds.

Old Two Legs wants to see what happens when the clouds get all full of rain, but not yet!

Lunchtime we were out again and while the clouds were easy to see through the filter, the trees still looked dark.

 We met up with Milly and Maxi and you can see, the red filter is just too dark!

OTL took this of a 'Goats Beard' and brightened it up a little but we still think the yellow filter is better!

Holly said that the red filter just made the dark darker and the light bits lighter!

What would happen if TM stood with one leg in the shade and one in the light?

Hey! We got news that Archie Babe got his stitches taken out of his butt. Looks like he now has a clean and cuddly butt but to be honest we would rather sniff it than cuddle it!

OTL is off to get the MOT tomorrow and visit one of his customers.

Tomorrow it will be TM taking us for our morning walk but she will be spotting birds.

It's a bit boring but it keeps her happy!

See you tomorrow.


Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret.

1 comment:

  1. Yo maties. Well nice pictures today but I think I prefer seeing you in colour. Now we didn't have any clouds until about 4 o clock today. It's been very warm again so I went out very early for my walk, the only problem with that is there doesn't seem to be any other woofers around and they are still in bed so that makes the walk a bit boring. Have you got a list of birds and pictures of them so Mrs TM can tick them off in the morning. My mum did a bit of baking today but it didn't turn out very good, she made some apple turnovers but trust me, you wouldn't want to turn them over cos the bottoms all fell off. Now just to put things right, I had stitches in my paw, on my head and on my butt you know ..... so I had loads taken out ...... I was just so brave, I think I must be the bravest woofer wot I know. I'm happy for you to sniff my butt any time you want cos you and Holly chops are just my most favourite girls. Enjoy your walk with Mrs TM tomorrow and I'll keep my paws crossed that the big car passes its test without having to cost OTL any dosh. Take care, stay safe and have a good evening all. Love, licks, wags and sniffs from little (posh bott) Arch and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
