Friday 2 July 2021

Eric got stabbed but didn't bite back!

 Hi Woofers!

Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret here!

It has been warm again today, loads of pollen for Old Two Legs to sniff and try to sneeze his tail off!

It has been a bit boring 'cos OTL has been 'manufacturing' today and we have had cable stretched all over the office floor!

around lunchtime we were getting a bit bored so we gave OTL 'The Sign', which means I jump up and whack him in the back of the chair while Holly sits looking at OTL and Woofing her tail off!

In the end he gets the idea!

Down on the sea front we met up with this tarty woofer who wouldn't leave us alone, OK, I know she just wanted a game but we didn't!

It was funny when she tried to sniff Holly 'cos as soon as she got close, Holly looked over her shoulder and said.................. that again and I'll poo in your eye!

Holly has such a way with words!

Out on the sea we saw a river tug heading back towards the Thames and Holly suggested it may be looking for rubber boats!

As if!

 It shoves ships not rubber boats!

As we got close to the beach we heard a crowing noise from the seaweed covered rocks and at first couldn't see what was making the noise.

Can you see it? Here's a clue, it's not a duck!

Walking through the forest was cooling and we saw a couple of butterflies dancing around but they didn't hang about but we have made a note of where they were and may get lucky to see them again tomorrow!

In the shade is just right!
Back home OTL got back to manufacturing again so we went down stairs with The Missus to watch the F1 racing, well, not racing, it was more like practise even though they had raced on it last week!

OTL took Eric down to the vet to get his leg looked at again. This time she took a Biopsy and Eric had to be pacified with copious amounts of Ferretone to keep him occupied while the vet did some serious stabbing with a syringe!

We have got to give them a ring in a week or so to find out the results.

Eric was a big brave ferret and said that next time they try to take a Biopsy he will sort them out!

So there!

See you again tomorrow!
Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret.

1 comment:

  1. Yo maties. Well done Eric, you're a right brave little chap just like wot I am. Eric, if they try taking a biopsy again I reckon you're right to do your own biopsy on their fingers. Smashing pictures today, I reckon Holly got it just about right with that tarting woofer. Shame OTL had to work so hard today but at least you got some quality time with Mrs TM. I've had a pretty quiet day on account of getting up at silly o clock to see my mum off to work. My boy has got the weekend off so maybe he'll let me snuggle in with him tomorrow when my mum goes to work or maybe he won't, sometimes he can be a bit of a meanie. We've got a load of fungals in our garden on account of all the rain we've had, mind there's nothing worth taking a picture of. Take care and stay safe and have a good evening all. Love, licks, wags and sniffs from little Arch and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
