Thursday 1 July 2021

Another month gone already!

 Hello Woofers!

Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret back with you again!

It seems that it was only a couple of days ago when it was the 1st of June and now here we are, the 1st of July already!

Mind you, it has started off well, I mean, blue skies and gentle breezes on the sea wall.

Yesterday we dropped the small car off for its first service and we were due to pick it up tomorrow but the garage telephoned and said we could pick it up today! Well, it seems they had nothing to do yesterday so the car got serviced earlier than we expected!

That means we get to go for a walk three hours earlier than normal and if you believe it, we get another run on the old golf course half way through the afternoon!

Who's a lucky woofer then?

Eric has got an appointment at the vets tomorrow to see about the lump on his back leg. It hasn't got any better and the course of antibiotics have made no difference, the lump is still there, the same size it has always been, puzzling!

Now, because we went out earlier this morning Old Two Legs decided we should go out for a ramble this afternoon, around the old golf course so, off we went and I just didn't realise just how high the grass had grown.

As soon as OTL got onto the course he started sneezing his tail off!

Gawd! Just how long is he going to stand there sneezing?

Because of the long grass we didn't see many bugs or stuff but he did see a Buff Tailed Bumblebee having a late tea time snack!

Buzz, Buzz!

We were walking along when without noticing it, up came Bella who was pretending she was rounding up sheep!

Well, she got as far as OTL and stopped for a stroke and a tickle on the tail!

Honest, I could have got you all!

I can see that OTL will be staying well away from the grass. It's a good job the seaside grass is not so long!

See you all tomorrow!


Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret.

1 comment:

  1. Yo maties. Well I'm sorry to hear the lump on Eric's leg hasn't got any better but I know wot a brave chap he is so he won't be too worried about going and getting it checked, let's hope the vet sorts it out for him this time. Now talking of vets, guess where I've got to go for the morning next Tuesday, yep, that's right, I'm spending the morning there getting all sorts of cuddles along with getting a lump on my leg looked at, it's a wart but it's bothering me now so time to get the vet too look at it, then my ears need a good clean, my mum has been cleaning them but she wants the vet to check them over and then after all that, they're going to check my blood pressure, well I'm sure it will be ok as long as my mum remembers to give me some scoff to go in with in case I get peckish. I went for a walk today and met Brenda and Milly, so we all went to the shops together, we waited with Milly while Brenda went and got her paper and then on the way home we met this new kid on the block, now he's a pup wot has been named after a local celebrity, that's right, his name is Archie, now naturally he's a handsome chap although he's not as handsome as me. Nice pictures today, and I'm glad the little car got serviced early so it's back home with you all. My mum and my boy are doing lots of sneezing lately with all this pollen stuck wots around. Take care and stay safe and have a good evening all. Love, licks, wags and sniffs from little Arch and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
