Friday 30 July 2021

Looking good Mr Eric!

Hi Woofers!

Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret here!

Wot a damp day it's been, I mean, rain, rain and to finish it off, rain!

In fact, it has been such a miserable day that I've decided to put up the photos I took yesterday, at least they had some sunshine in them!

Old Two Legs hasn't been messing about with the pond at all this year so, before all the flowers fall over and throw all their seeds all over the garden he decided to run of a snap or two.


 In and around the pond we have got snails, frogs, bugs of all sorts and the odd grass snake that moves like a racing car!

On top of that there are the birds that come down for a drink and a wash and brush up!

Lunchtime it was down to the sea side and on the way we met up with Nellie the Sheep Dog. As is normal with sheep dogs all she did was to run around us and try to make us walk in line!

I mean, we are terriers not sheep!

 OK, can you just sort of get together and stand still?

 As if!

 It was a little windy but that kept the clouds away and we could see all the way over to Southend on Sea. 

 It's a pity the wind is blowing away from us or we might have got a sniff of Kebab on the wind!

 Late afternoon, OTL packed Eric up in the traveling cage and off the both went to the vet who wanted to see what was happening to Eric's leg.

Eric was lifted up, turned over, rolled around and even had a picture taken of his leg!

The vet says he is pleased with the way the leg was healing and for him to come back in a couple of weeks for wot might be his final visit.

Eric says he is dead chuffed that the vet wasn't going to chop his leg off, I mean, climbing up the outside of his cage would be a little difficult!

See you tomorrow, if this rain ever stops, I mean it's August on Saturday and it's supposed to be all sunshine and heat waves!

Bye for now.


Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret.

1 comment:

  1. Yo maties. Well first let me say, well done Eric the brave on healing well. Wot a good job they didn't take off his little leg, I'm glad OTL and Mrs TM stuck to their guns and refused permission. Talking of check ups, I've got new treatment for my ears wot I have to have stuff put in once a day and the half an hour later I have to have 4 drops of stuff in each ear ........ my mum has a job to see how many drops are coming out the bottle seeing as the spout has to be down my ear but she manages so far. I've got to go back late Tuesday evening for the rest of my stitches out and a final check up. Smashing pictures. We've got hundreds of baby frogs hopping all round my garden, I just don't know which ones to sniff first. It's been very wet and windy here today as well. Paws crossed we have better weather tomorrow. We've got loads of slugs and snails here and my mum does a patrol of the garden every morning and every night and we collect them up and put them over the bamboo fence in with the weeds. Daisy, it's August on Sunday, we've got one more day of July. I'm off for a pre dinner snooze so take care, stay safe and have a good evening all. Love, licks, wags and sniffs from little Arch and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx for Eric xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
