Wednesday 28 July 2021

Sometimes it's just not worth getting up!

Hello Woofers!

Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret here.

Today has been a strange day.

To start off we went over the old golf course with The Missus first thing and as she was ferreting around in the grass and bushes, she came across a dragonfly that was rather dopy! Well, it didn't want to fly off when TM got close to it and was sort of sleeping as she brought it back for Old Two Legs to see.

OTL being OTL, whipped out his camera and took a few snaps which, I must admit, didn't look too bad.


Its legs looked a bit wobbly but it didn't look like it wanted to fly off. OTL didn't get the macro lens out or the tripod and he had the 35mm lens on the small camera. So, it was all hand held and no anti-vibration. In fact, to keep the camera steady he had to rest the camera on top of a packet of chocolate chip cookies!

That's what you get when you get stopped half way through cleaning the ferret cages and removing a ton of ferret poo!

 The dragon fly was standing on a plastic box, so it was easy to rotate to get different shots.

It was lucky that the camera had a small flash on it and with a couple of adjustments the colours came out quite well.


Getting close up was always going to be difficult because of the lens size and balancing the camera on the cookie packet!

After a while OTL decided he must get back to poo shovelling and decided to put the dragonfly on one of the rocks by the side of the pond.

So, being careful not to drop the dragonfly he put it down on the rock and just as the dragonfly landed, it fluttered its wings and took off!

Unfortunately, the dragonfly got half way across the pond when a female house sparrow dived across the pond from the left-hand side, grabbed the dragonfly in its beak and flew off to enjoy a late breakfast in one of the trees in the garden!

As I've said before.

Sometimes it's just not worth getting up!

See you tomorrow.


Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret.

1 comment:

  1. Yo maties. Wow, Mrs TM was very brave to bring that dragonfly back from the walk. OTL has taken some smashing pictures. Poor dragonfly, after all that it ends up as brekkie for a birdie. Well I was at the vets first thing this morning, my stitches were all checked, one fell out, a couple were taken out and one will dissolve on its own cos that's the one in between my eyelashes. Then the vet proceeded to have a nose in my ears ..... it hurt one of my ears and I let out a yelp, then she cleaned my ears and then put some drops in my ears, then I got treats and cuddles and then my mum paid the bill and then we got an appointment for next Tuesday evening, now depending on the rest of my stitches coming out and how things look, I might be able to go to the groomers on Wednesday, now I reckon Pom the vet owes me, so I've tipped her the wink that I might not be up to being wetted next Wednesday as I might still be traumatised, I reckon she'll take my hint. So, out came me and my mum and her purse, just 70 odd quid lighter for my ear stuff and home we came. I sent my mum out to cut the grass in between showers, then clean the gully on the garage roof, then do the ironing, then go up the shop, then get me my scoff so you can see wot a busy day I've had. I'm off to put my paws up now so take care, stay safe and have a lovely evening all. Love, licks, wags and sniffs from little Arch and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
