Monday 9 August 2021

Winding up The Missus!

 Hi Woofers!

Daisy, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret back with you again.

You know, our pond is just a couple of inches away from spilling over the edge! Tomorrow should be better, according to the weatherman that is and we all know how accurate he can be!

Old Two Legs was up while it was still dark and off to do some more work. That being so, it was up to TM to take me for my morning stroll in the wet grass. Not only did my tummy get wet but my rain coat got soaked as well!

Lunchtime was better, OTL was still out working so it was TM who took me down to the sea wall.

I was having a relaxing time on the football field while TM was jumping up and down calling me!

It was only when a little Pekingese woofer came by, giving it some woof, that I decided I would have to go and guard TM from this ferocious pile of hair!

Actually, a Pekingese is by its very nature a yappy woofer, so I let him off!

We ended up having a mutual sniff and then carried on looking for interesting sniffs that have been washed up from the hedgerows!

As we got out of the car OTL spotted a caterpillar racing across the car park and onto the grass, it was about two inches long and about the size of a fat cigarette!

 Reckon we call him 'Speedy'!

The sweet pea flowers were still in bloom and together with the other plants they put on a bit of a spread!

 All we need is the sun!

 Back home and finally OTL turned up after his hard work and after saying hello I crawled under the desk for a snooze that lasted me almost all afternoon!

You know it's a hard life beeing a woofer in this house hold!

 Cuddling up to my penguin and a rawhide chew is a hard life!



  1. Yeah, it LOOKS like a hard life you have there Daisy!

    Hugs, Sarn xxx

  2. Yo maties. Daisy, I sympathise with you,I know just how hard it is being a woofer, these TL's just don't understand at all. All the guarding we have to do, all the sniffing out of crumbs, all the cuddling we have to do. See and there was you, bravely fending off that pile of yapping hair, guard her from that monstrous looking green thing. And wot thanks to do get ....... not a lot. Me and my boy got into trouble last night, he came into the bedroom just as me and my mum were getting ready for bed and asked if I wanted a fight, well me being the good little woofer wot I am, I naturally declined the offer ..... until my mum went to the bathroom, then when we heard her lock the door, we had a right good rumble on the bed. When my mum came back she told us both off cos the pillows were on the floor, well I didn't knock them off, my boy said he didn't knock them off ...... so I wonder who did ........ Me and my mum have had a lazy day on account of being at work early this morning, we even had a little siesta. Tomorrow my mum says she's looking forward to a nice day of glue flinging. Guess wot, Alfie puggle is coming to stay for a week in September ....... honestly, he must be starting to think he lives here. I'll remember to hide my most precious toys before he arrives and that will include my penguin wots the same as yours. Smashing pictures today, did OTL take them or Mrs TM. That was very nice of her to take you for your walks today. It's funny when you see these wimmin jumpin up and down, it makes me laugh my tail off when I wind my mum up. Take care and stay safe all. Love, licks and sniffs from little Arch, my mum and my (naughty) boy. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
