Sunday 8 August 2021

Wet and Windy!

 Hi Woofers!

Daisy, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret here.

Another wet day! As soon as I step outside the front door it starts! This morning’s run was just that, a high-speed poo then head for home!

We were back so early that the ferrets were rampaging around the house and I had to get upstairs to the bedroom before they spotted me!

Eric loves chasing Miss Wendy, so, the sight of me legging it upstairs is no more than a big challenge for his high-speed legs!

Mind you, I'm no slow coach and can normally beat him!

Lunchtime it was just as bad, we got into the car to head off to the beach when we noticed drops of rain on the windscreen, by the time we got to the car park it was getting heavier and half way around the walk we were jumping between trees to dodge the rain!

We me tup with those Huskie types and they tried to chase me! I was too quick for them but there were a couple of moments when they got too close!

  Nah, Nah, you can't catch me!

 There were no bugs so we hid under the trees, not the most exciting vista but at least we kept the drips off us!


We saw three birds, a Magpie, Rook and a Green Woodpecker and that's it nothing else! They must all be hiding in the bushes!

I'm off for a big bowl chicken that has been slow cooking in the oven!

See you tomorrow!


Daisy, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret!

1 comment:

  1. Yo maties. The weather has been pretty rotten here as well today. I flatly refused to go for a walk and only went into the garden for a wee when I was desperate. Now last night I heard the words I never thought I'd hear ....... my mum said ..... I was a good boy ..... me ..... a good boy. Well you could have knocked me down with a teef cleaning chew ...... Seems like she was watching me in the garden when I just happened to find a frog who was sitting waiting for a woofer to come and play ..... well I sniffed it, I patted it, I patted it again and then .... I patted it again, well my mum said I had to leave it alone and come in ...... so I did .... my mum said she was shocked wot she don't realise is that I'm a very obedient little woofer, anyways, it was just starting to rain again. Well done Daisy for beating little Eric up the stairs. I'm hoping the weather gets better tomorrow. Enjoy your bowl of chicken Daisy, it sounds delicious. Take care, stay safe all. Love, licks and sniffs from little Arch, my mum and my (troublemaking, snitching) boy. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
