Saturday 4 September 2021

Saturday F1!

 Hello Woofers!

Us again, Daisy, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret.

This morning Old Two Legs had an enormous lie-in! You know it wasn't until eight that he finally rolled out of bed!

The Missus was up at her normal 'silly hour', I got up later and had about an hour’s walk around the fields and even gave OTL a lick on his bald head to wake him up but when we came back, he was still asleep!

The ferrets were upset that they had to spend so much time locked up in their cage. When they were finally allowed out, they had a rampage around the house and Eric even came up into OTL's office, until I growled at him and OTL had to pick him up quickly!

I was then banned to the bedroom while OTL cleaned the cage!

Well, at least Eric couldn't get up on the bed 'cos the door was shut!

The F1 program started late morning and OTL and I headed off to the sea side for a walk while the commentators spent an hour or so interviewing each other!

On our way around the sea wall OTL noticed that the blackberries had started to ripen, I can see TM coming with us just to get a fresh blackberry!

The first sign that autumn has arrived!

 I spotted some woofers in the distance but as they were heading away from us, I decided to leave them alone!

 To Woof or not to Woof, that is the question!

Of course, the tide was out, as normal, in fact it looked rather muddy, so it was a good thing we didn't go down onto the beach for a paddle.

 So, we didn't go for a paddle and the wind was blowing. Do you think that the Medway was ever a small stream?

 Heading back to the car the clouds looked like they were ready to let loose the rain! I expect that will come over night or even tomorrow morning!

Windy and wet!

See you tomorrow.


Daisy, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret.

1 comment:

  1. Yo maties. I wish I could have had a lay in this morning but I did manage a short snooze when my mum got home from work for an hour before the custard gargler woke us both up with his licking. He's a noisy licker. Last night we were in the garden and there was this huge monster walking up the garden, it was about 10 feet long, it was covered in eyes and had 173 legs. My mum went and got her dustpan and brush and picked it up, do you know it offered her outside it was that angry. Well me and the gargle monster were discussing it and wot we thought it was doing, I wondered where it was going and I said to Alf, he should go and stand in front of it and I'd make a rear attack, he said he didn't know wot end was the front, well I told him, the front is the bit of where it's pointing at and going, Alf said it might have been walking backwards, I said he was silly cos it wouldn't have been going if it was walking backwards it would have been beening not going. Holly chops would have understood and she'd have told that Alf he was being very silly. Me and my mum watched Mrs TM doing her glue flinging today, she is really very good at it. Well we've got a week of lay ins now cos my mum isn't back at work until next Saturday. Me and my mum are really looking forward to not having to get up early, mind, Alf don't do early, my mum had to tip him out of bed this morning, good job she did cos he needed a poo, do you know he's done 4 poos so far today, he's going to fill up the bin or make us run out of bags ...... I've never known a woofer poo as much. Eric is taking a bit of a risk coming up and disturbing you in the office, good job he can't get up on the bed when you're snoozing up there as well. Them blackberries look tasty, I wouldn't say no to a taste of them. Smashing picture of you today Daisy, you look all alert and ready to see of strange woofers. Take care and stay safe all. Love, licks and sniffs from little Arch, Alf the custard gargler, my mum and my boy. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
