Tuesday 12 October 2021

A Truffle Sniffin' Super Dg!

 Hello Woofers!

Daisy, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret here again.

It's been a funny sort of day, cloudy and windy and all in all a bit boring!

I missed the fox again, you know I'm getting a bit fed up with him pretending he owns the golf course, maybe tomorrow, if I'm not too busy I'll take a lump out of his tail!

I thought it would be a good idea to try to raise a few shillings by sniffing out a truffle or two as suggested by Auntie Sarn yesterday.

So, when I went out at lunchtime I was nose deep in sniffs. 

  Now, this looks like a good truffle hunting area!

 I thought at one time to have found a truffle but it was just a mouldy bit of rabbit poo, I wouldn't fancy that on my omelette!

 I don't know what this rabbit has been eating but phew!

 Then I found those big Fungi and two of them were fighting for growing space and were pushing so hard that one was even splitting!

  Shove over, I want this bit!

 The big one was growing at a great speed, leaving the other two to struggle for light!


It's possible that these will be falling over soon, they certainly are looking top heavy.

 Looking down from on top, the big one looks so striking!

 All this hunting for |Truffles suddenly made me think, what do Truffles look like and more to the point.

What do Truffle’s sniff like?


 I really don't know what a Truffle looks like!

See you tomorrow!


Daisy, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret.



  1. Yo maties. Well the weather here wasn't too bad, cloudy but not windy and dry until this afternoon and now it's hissing down. I went for an early walk and didn't meet any of my mates but lunchtime, Caroline my groomer called in with something my mum ordered for one of my very special mates for Christmas ..... and she brought Alfie puggle with her, well Alf decided he would come in and say hello and make sure the spare bed wot he likes wasn't been used by any other woofer. My mum has been hard at the glue flinging today, she's made 24 toppers for Xmas cards but she's only managed to colour in 10 of them and then it got very dull so she couldn't see, so she's packed up and will finish tomorrow. Now I didn't want to go to bed last night on account of there might have been a monster spider lurking in the bedroom, I stood in the doorway for ages hoping my mum might take pity on me and come and sleep downstairs but do you know, she wouldn't, wot a meanie, so in the end I went and got on the bed but I kept one eye open all night. Now these truffle thingys, my mum says they look like a black poo, they smell like a poo and they taste like a poo ...... my mum says she wouldn't give you a thank you for one and she can't understand why people spend so much money on things wot look and taste like poo. My mum said she had some truffle in a fancy restaurant once and thank goodness she wasn't paying. Daisy, watch out for them foxes, they have mange wot makes you itchy so give them a wide berth. Take care and stay safe all. Love, licks and sniffs from little Arch, my mum and my boy. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  2. Well, there you have it Daisy - Archie knows all there is to know about truffles. Shouldn’t be difficult to find some on the golf course now!!!!

    You do look like you tried hard tho.

    Good luck with the fox hunting (so to speak) today too . . . if you’re not too busy, naturally!!!!

    Hugs, Sarn xxx

  3. Yo maties. My mum got a message from Mrs TM about your internetty not working, we hope the Butt and Tail chap can get you sorted sooner rather than later. We'll check everyday to see if you've managed to get a connection. Take care all and stay safe. Love, licks and sniffs from little Arch and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  4. Yo maties. Well I'm sorry the Butt and Tail chap still hasn't sorted out your internetty, don't he know that your famous and us fans rely on you to tell us your news. I think I might have to put a complaint in and tell them to get their fingers out and their act together. Me and my mum have had a duvet day today on account of her having her jabs yesterday and her not being as brave as me. Yesterday, I had a nice walk and decided to call in on Brenda and Milly, to catch up on all the latest goings on up that end of the street. I couldn't stay too long cos it was getting near my scoff time and as you know, I don't allow anything to get in the way of my scoff. I've been looking after my mum today, it is hard work on account of she's always wanting something, a cup of coffee, a bit of toast, a wee, fetch the post ........ honestly she nearly worked my tail off. I'm going to be putting my paws up this evening and leaving my boy to do the fetching and carrying now he's home from work. Take care and stay safe all. Love, licks and sniffs and missing you all. Little Arch and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  5. Yo maties .......... and the good news is ........... Daisy has been reconnected :) yipeeeeeeeeeeeee xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
