Sunday 10 October 2021

Not so Foggy today!

 Hi Woofers!

It's Daisy, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret again!

As if it would be anyone else!

I woke up this morning and decided that Old Two Legs should get up and take me for a walk instead of The Missus, no such luck, TM was already up, plonking away on her Craft Table, making a load of noise and switching on all the lights in the house!

I mean, just how can a Woofer sleep with all that going on!

In the end I gave OTL a lick behind the ear and headed off to the Old Golf Course where I missed chasing a cat and a fox!

Well, it's Sunday!

Lunchtime was more interesting, down on the sea front I saw about twelve homemade hovercrafts skimming along the mud flats on the Medway and then off up the Thames.

Unfortunately, I had the wrong lens on the camera so there were not close ups!


Just as we were walking past a couple of Two Legs, this little woofer came dancing off the sea wall and tried to sniff my tail, I mean, no one does that without the 'Nose Sniff' first. So, I gave him a good woof and off he went, running back to his TL's!

That's him sorted!

No one else on the Sea Wall so we headed off to the forest via the hill. Those Fungi we saw yesterday were growing and the 'Cap' was developing, so, Colicky Click, Click went OTL's shutter and this is the result.

Yeah, so, it's not as if we have never seen these before!

I must say, Fungi are not the most interesting things that grow in the forest and to be honest, I was looking to see if there were any rabbits around.

Them things would more than likely give you tummy ache!

No, I'm looking for rabbits and Nifflers!

Here in North Kent, we don't have many streams and what we do have are sort of flat, I mean, not even a natural waterfall! That's why OTL gets all excited when he travels up north 'cos there you can find exciting things to photograph. OTL says that Yorkshire would be the nearest to us to get a bit of drama!

Until then I suppose we will have to put up with this and sunrises over the Medway!

Well, it leads your eye up the path and around the corner!

So, that's it for today, off to see the F1 Racing and then a snooze before binging on Star Wars!

A Long Time Ago in a Galaxy Far Far Away..........................💥💥


Daisy, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret.

1 comment:

  1. Yo maties. Well the weather here hasn't been so bad either. It was a tad chilly when my mum made me go out for a wee in the dark though. We had a nice cuddle up and a snooze when she got home from work but I decided after wot she said yesterday, I was only going to snuggle round her head. Now my poor boy came limping home from work, he said he had to jump out of the way of 2 cyclists riding side by side on the pavement and he fell and twisted his ankle. My mum was mad, she wanted him to get in the car and she was going to go look for them, he said no cos he had a pizza on the way, good job really cos wot she was going to do with their handle bars would have stopped them sitting on their bikes for months, possibly years even. He says he feels a bit better now he's had his pizza. Nice pictures today, love the ones of you Daisy. Me and my mum enjoyed watching Mrs TM flinging the glue. We're going to have an early night tonight and looking forward to not going to work tomorrow. Take care and stay safe all. Love, licks and sniffs from little Arch, my mum who's still grrrring and my poor boy. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
