Wednesday 10 November 2021

Autumn Colours.

 Hello Woofers!

Daisy, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret here.

Autumn, so it must be MOT time!

Autumn, so it must be MOT time, well for the little car that is!

It went in today and it took an hour and a half to get it through the MOT, but it passed!

It has been misty today plus some very fine rain, but we still couldn't see Southend!

What we did see were some Brant Geese plonking around in the mud. I certainly wouldn't fancy paddling in that mud!

I mean, that mud would make a right mess of your teeth!

There was a Rook looking at some food, well, he thought it was food to begin with but after a close inspection he decided that he would have to be desperate if he had a go at eating a banana skin!

If you left that there for too long you would certainly slip over and do some damage to your tail feathers!

Over the other side of the hill, we came across Fred raking up the last of the brambles into long piles, ready to be collected.

Keep going Fred, almost done!

Leaving Fred to his games, we headed over the hill to the path to the car park. Where the leaves were turning, they made a very pleasant show as you looked down the path.

This one in the middle is an oak tree but we haven't seen any acorns on it!

It's always worth looking behind you, you never know what you might see.

Mind you, if you look in front of you, you won't fall over!

See you tomorrow.


Daisy, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret.

1 comment:

  1. Yo maties. Well it's been a miserable wet day here today and chilly. I decided I wouldn't go out today except in the garden on account if I didn't want to get any dirty rain on my nice clean body. My mum said if I wouldn't go out, she would go without me and do you know, she only went and called in on Brenda while she was out, now that's not nice to go to Brenda's without me. Brenda is getting better and better so we reckon in a few days, she'll be back to herself. Nice pictures today, glad we haven't got all those leaves in our back garden though, there's another lot come down today so my mum will be out there tomorrow getting rid of them, she could do with a Fred to rake them up. Pleased to hear the little car got through its MOT. My mum found some pictures of me taken by OTL a few years ago when I came down for the day, it's the ones where I had a nice roll in the mud. I still remember OTL hosing me down when we got back to your house but I've decided to forgive him. So I think I'll go have a nice pre dinner snooze. Take care and stay safe all. Love, licks and sniffs from little Arch and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
