Saturday 13 November 2021

Catching the Post for TM!


Hi Woofers!

Daisy, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret here.

What a fun day, Old Two Legs was slurping the bottle of Malt Whisky which always leads to him over sleeping, mind you, The Missus was bouncing around in the bed around two thirty which woke both Old Two Legs and I.

You know, I had to give her the Warning Woof to tell her to stop messing about and go back to sleep!

Needless to say, the programming OTL had planned was shoved to one side 'cos he couldn't get his head around 5-Tone Signalling Inputs, mind you neither could I, what we needed was input from Holly, she would have put him straight!

Lunchtime we headed off to Grain with instructions to get a package posted but when we got to the Post Office, we found it was shut and we would have a two hour wait until it opened again!

Two hours? Blimey, even OTL's lunch hour doesn't last that long!

OTL decided that to kill time we would walk all the way along the sea wall right up to where the old power station used to be, until they blew it up!


That is the Medway Fort from another angle and the water pouring out is from the power station that uses it for cooling. What it actually cools I'm not sure, that's when we needed Holly again!

Talking of woofers, we met up with Susie, OTL is the only Two Legs she will say hello to. When any other TL comes along, she runs off!

Yo! OTL, Good to see you again!

A bit further along the path, came three black dogs, of course OTL knows all of them especially Bob, who looks a bit of a bruiser but really, he is just a big softy. He gets his squeaky ball and runs up to OTL who picks it up and pretends to throw it bit instead of throwing it, he hangs onto it and throws it the other way so that Bob can get the ball before the other two!

Bob loves OTL 'cos normally he doesn't get a look in when the ball is thrown by his TL's!

OK, I see it over your head, now throw it behind you as normal!

When we got back from the walk, we sat in the car for a quarter of an hour waiting for the Post Office to open and after sending the package off, headed for home.

We got home to find Rose, Rosie and Tracy had arrived. Now Rose and Rosie brought along a Christmas Cake covered in icing and full of alcoholic stuff that OTL loves!

Now OTL doesn't get Christmas Cakes made for him by TM so to get a pressie like that is something extra special!

This evening we watched the F1 Racing which was rather exciting, you know it even stopped TM from falling asleep!

Early to bed tonight and with a bit of luck OTL will get the programming done tomorrow.

If he is lucky!

Bye for now.


Daisy, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret.

1 comment:

  1. Yo maties. Well I'm sorry to have missed you last night, I got sent to bed in disgrace on account of I got a bit tipsy. Now I've seen my mum get rat butted and I didn't send her to bed early. You see, my boy called my mum to the kitchen just after she poured herself a night cap and whenever there's someone in the kitchen, I usually stay there with them on account of their might be some pickings going, well, there they were in the kitchen discussing my boys problem and I decided there wasn't going to be any pickings so I went back into the living room and there on the table was a nice drinkie, well I had a taste and decided it was quite nice so I helped myself. All of a sudden there was a commotion and my boy and my mum were there calling me naughty names, like little hiss head, wot a cheek. So that's why I wasn't around when you put up your blog. Now Holly chops was the font of all knowledge on account of her reading things on the internetty. I'm glad you found some nice mates to meet today. Nice pictures. Well my mum is off work now until Friday and my boy is off for a whole week, so plenty of wrestling if I forgive him for calling me naughty names. Daisy, I think you're going to have to tell Mrs TM to get her own room if she keeps disturbing you and OTL. Take care and stay safe all. Love, licks and sniffs and a few hics from little Arch and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
