Monday 8 November 2021

Eric still has four legs!

 Hi Woofers.

Daisy, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret here.

Well, another frosty start to the day and for once I didn't mind. No one else on the old golf course and loads of sniffs!

I got back in time to wave Eric off to the vet to see about his leg.

Now you remember the first vet suggested chopping Eric's leg off but Old Two Legs suggested the Cryopen treatment and when Eric got to the vet the Cryopen was already out and on the table. There was just one small problem.

To get a ferret to stay still while the vet worked on his leg would normally be quite easy, you just stick the bottle Ferret Oil in his mouth and he rolls over onto his back and happily slurps away until the work is done. Well, that has always been the way except this time we had run out of oil.

So, this time we have a vet waving the Cryopen and grabbing at Erics leg so we don't get it all over the place. Then there is Eric who is doing a serious wiggle dance to try to escape from OTL's arms.

In the end it was a case of do we get the Mast Cell Tumour frozen or is Erics leg going to get frozen and drop off on its own accord!

Finally, Eric was squeezed back into the travelling cage and OTL had time to discuss with the vet her opinion on Eric's progress.

Seems that there could be a few more visits to the vet but so far, the tumour is sort of rotting away.

Best of all, it's not worrying Eric and he seems to get along with the tumour!

Next visit to the vet is in two weeks’ time and this time we will have the Ferret Oil to keep Eric quiet!

When they got back it was time for my walk and just like yesterday, there was no-one on the sea wall or in the forest.

Maybe it's something I've said?

See you all tomorrow.


Daisy, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret.



1 comment:

  1. Yo maties. Daisy, we've been waiting on tent hooks all day for that news, we're over the moon that the tumour is rotting away. Well done Eric the brave wot a splendid little chap you are. A real hero like wot I am. Cos I was very brave as well today, my mum took me to Caroline the groomer wot nearly drowned me then nearly roasted me then nearly cut me in pieces with her clippers and THEN to add insult to injury, got out a garden rake and took it to my delicate little body. I deserved my teef cleaning chew wot I got when I got home I can tell you. I bet OTL has already got on the internetty and ordered the ferret oil for the next visit. I went for an early walk this morning and didn't see any woofer friends, in fact, we only saw our next door neighbour who was taking her baby for a walk to try to get it to go to sleep. My mum had a peep in the pram, she said it was quite sweet. My mum did a few little jobs and when I got home from the groomers we both had a little nap, don't know why my mum needed a nap, I was exhausted but she was at home not being tortured so don't know why she should be tired. My boy has the next 2 days off so me and him might be doing some wrestling. Now my mum read that our local mp fell off his bike and was chuntering on about how the local hospital were so good to him and performed an operation on his lip, my mum said she hopes they sewed his mouth up and perhaps he should get on to the county council to fill in the pot holes. That really made my mums day, him falling off his bike. I wouldn't worry too much about not seeing other woofers, I reckon they're all being a bit wimpy cos the weather is cold. Take care and stay safe all. Love, licks and sniffs from little Arch and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx For Eric the brave xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
