Friday 19 November 2021

Long Walk, F1 and No Rain!

 Hello Woofers!

Daisy, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret here again.

What a super day, we were out good and early 'cos Old Two Legs wanted to catch the sunrise. Unfortunately, he saw the sunrise but it was from the car only and by the time we got to the sea wall the sun had got up and was climbing out of bed!

Maybe a couple of days more or an extra early morning we will catch it!

OTL has decided to send his broken lens back for repairs and spent most of the morning searching for a new lens but as they were all rather costly, he got onto the Nikon web site, filled in all the forms, packaged it all up and took it down the post office.

Because it was such a high value, it cost a fortune to send but it was only a pound less than if he sent it by carrier!

Lunchtime was fun, down on the Sea Wall we saw four Egrets. They looked bigger than the small ones we see playing in the mud. OTL though they could be either big little Egrets or Great Egrets.

In the end he decided they were big Little Egrets cos their beaks were black, Great Egrets have yellow beaks!

I wish the water would go away, I'm getting hungry!

A Seagull landed on the railings and tried to take over the perch but the three Egrets decided to mob the gull and get him to clear off!

Gerroff Outta Here!

Mind you, as soon as they saw us, they flew off and around the corner of the sea wall.

OTL crept along the side of the wall and poked his head and camera around the wall, just in time to see them fly off again!

Blimey! I didn't see him creep up on us!

That was the last we saw of them, but it was half way the walk so we had the return journey to look forward to and on top of that, it wasn't raining!

Back home in time to watch the P1 & P2. The race circuit looks rather interesting, ten corners and one very long fast straight!

See you all tomorrow.


Daisy, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret.

1 comment:

  1. Yo maties. It's been a dreary day weatherwise here today. My mum was creamed when she got home from work so we had a quick snooze and then zooooooooooomed, I heard you telling Mrs TM you wanted to go out Daisy. Then ladies were all working away on flinging their glue but I got fed up so I insisted my mum stopped and spent the rest of the day cuddling me. Smashing pictures today but where is one of you Daisy? I hope OTL gets his lens back quickly and all sorted out. I've got a feeling me and my mum will be having a very early night tonight on account of my mum having trouble keeping her eyes opened. Take care and stay safe all. Love, licks and sniffs from little Arch and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
