Monday 29 November 2021

One More Result!

 Hello Woofers!

Daisy, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret back with you again.

The first good news is that the vet reckons we are beating the tumour on Eric's leg. The skin seems to be growing back and the tumour is starting to shrink!

There is still a long way to go but the Cryopen is certainly beating the tumour down. Not too sure just how long the treatment is going to last but we are heading the right way.


Old Two Legs got back in time to take me out for the lunchtime run on the sea front and he didn't even bother to get me going on the 'Long Walk'!


When I looked out of the window this morning there was about six inches of frost on all the cars and the pond was frozen as well! OTL took the camera with him 'cos he reckons there may be some good shots along the sea wall but when we got down there what did we see?

Little or no frost!

I mean, all we saw was a little sprinkle of frost on the leaves!

 Not what you would call a deep frost!

We met up with Max and Oscar and enjoyed a game of 'Sniff and Wee'. Max was trying to write his name in the frosty gras but kept on falling over!

  Does Max have one or two M's?

 The sun had got up and the heat of the sun was soon melting to frost making it difficult to even find any frost!

 That Sun certainly warms up the air!

 We came across a Poo Bin that had frost over the top and was glittering in the sun shine, pity it didn't come out in the photo!

 If you look hard you can just see the frost glittering!

 In the forest it seemed that there were more leaves on the ground that on the trees! Mind you, photographing down the path made an interesting shot.

  You can just see the frost in the far distance of the path!

 The afternoon was great, a warm lap for me to snuggle into and all I could hear was the gentle snoring from Miss Wendy!

See you all tomorrow.


Daisy, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret.

1 comment:

  1. Yo maties. Well wot a great result about Eric the brave, we're all very pleased here to hear that the tumour is shrinking, that's the best news we've heard in a while. Well done Eric you're a star. Now we've got frost in my garden wot's been there all day, well it started out last night as snow and it was still there this morning and it's still there now. The water in our bucket was frozen solid this morning and it hasn't thawed either. I did want to go for a walk and I braved the freezing chill all wrapped up in my nice warm fleece but I didn't spend much time sniffing, cos that cold wind does make yer butt rattle. I was very glad to get back home and snuggle down in the blanket on the sofa. My boy was laughing at me last night when I was in bed, I was snuggled right down on my big duvet bed with my blanket pulled right up round my ears ....... well it was cold enough for a brass monkey last night. Now when you said you fell asleep to the gentle snoring, I thought you were going to say it was Mrs TM doing the snoring. Glad she got home safely last night. Smashing pictures today, I bet it was nice to meet up with your mates but I was glad I didn't bump into any of mine today, it was way too cold to stop for a chat. Hope OTL is wearing his woolly hat when he takes you out, you don't want him to get his noddle cold. Take care and stay safe all. Love, licks and sniffs from little Arch and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
