Tuesday 14 December 2021

Good News!

 Hi Woofers!

Daisy, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret here.

Now, sorry for missing yesterday’s blog. We can blame Old Two Legs for that. After getting back from the vets he got into some 'Manufacturing' and I couldn't get near the laptop until well past my bed time!

Now, first the good news, Eric's visit to the vet went well, the vet confirmed that his tumour won't kill him but we have to keep up treatment!

Today is the first full day after the Cryopen treatment and the tumour looks to have 'Dried' the patch where the Cryopen did its work, he isn't limping or worrying the patch either, good news!

Now, me, on the other paw has eaten something that has given me the grumbles. I spent yesterday afternoon going out into the garden and finding a suitable place to leave a pile or two!

Today it's not so bad so I think it was something I pinched off OTL's breakfast plate!

We were up early today, OTL wanted to catch the sunrise but the sunrise was nowhere to be found, just a glow in the sky but nothing that would set the world alight!

See what I mean?
The rest of the day wasn't any better, grey, grey and darker grey!

Lunchtime we headed off to the sea front, you know what? There was just one Two Legs looking through his telescope at a bunch of gulls plonking away on the mud flats!

I jumped up on the bench for a rest and OTL took a couple of photos, I refused to smile, well, I just didn't feel like grinning at him!
 No, I'm not smiling at the birdy!
 He kept on clicking away but he didn't get even so much as a twinkle in my eye!
 No, I said No Photos!
That was it, you know, a girls got to be in the mood for a photo session and today, I wasn't!

See you all tomorrow.
Daisy, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret.


  1. Yo maties. Well that's really good news about Eric the brave, we're all very happy to hear it. Sorry to hear you had the grumblies and hope that it's all cleared up now, it's not nice when you get the grumblies, it leaves you with a sore butt. We've been a bit lazy here, my mum has done a few jobs and took a tin of biccies to the vets to say thank you for all the good care they take of me. I didn't get to go otherwise I might have kept the biccies for me and just given them lots of cuddles, cos I know they do like cuddles from me. A chap with a parcel arrived here yesterday and I sniffed some treats but my mum says I've got to wait for santa paws before I can get them, wot a meanie, they're my pressies. My mum was ooooohhhing and aaaaahhhhing over her pressies. Thank you all for thinking of us and sending the chap with the box. Well it looks like Santa's grotty here with all the fairy lights and the tree, put up on a shelf so I can't cock my leg on it, and the decorations. My boy has got to go next Tuesday to get stabbed, I might accompany him to see if he cries or if he's brave like wot I am when I get stabbed. Me and my mum and my boy had a lay in this morning, my boy didn't have to be at work too early which was nice for him. My mum said there's still lots of jobs to do before Santa Paws can come so for the next week she reckons we're going to be a bit busy. Smashing pictures of you today Daisy, that sunrise looks moody. Take care and stay safe all. Love, licks and sniffs from little Arch and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  2. Bit mean of the sunrise not to make an appearance when you were waiting for it!

    I think they’re lovely photos of you Daisy.

    Great news about Eric.
    Hugs, Sarn xxx
