Monday 24 January 2022

I'll be glad when the Spring comes!

Hello Woofers!

Daisy and Eric de Ferret here.

What a change today has been, the sunrise didn't happen and on top of that Old Two Legs was working, so no chance of a lap cuddle. Eric was being a lazy ferret; he didn't get up until OTL had finished cleaning his cage!

When he did get up it was only to head towards the pile of towels for a snooze!

Down on the sea front we saw a couple of woofers in the distance but not near enough to woof at!

To be honest, not only was it cold and grey, it was boring as well!

By the time we got to the sea wall we should have had super skies full of sun shine!

OTL had to go out half way through the morning to visit a customer but I was left at home with The Missus. 

Mind you, with a little bit of worrying she took me over to the old golf course for my lunchtime walk. 

No rabbits or foxes, just a few birds.

You know, I'll be glad when the Spring arrives, it may get wetter but it shouldn't be any colder!

We are off to take the new car in for a check-up on the radio, it seems to have lost the radio signal, so that means we can only listen to CD's.

A Woofer can soon get bored listening to Sea Shanties about saucy sailors and buxom wenches! 

See you tomorrow!


Daisy and Eric de Ferret.


  1. Yo maties. I know wot you mean Daisy, it's been cold and damp and grey here today. My mum took me for a walk but I really wasn't interested in going out and I didn't even bother to do much sniffing on account of it being cold. I was in a hurry to get back home and in the warm. I didn't see any other woofers out this morning. It's been a bit of a boring day but at least I could have a nice snooze when I felt like it and my mum had a snuggle with me for half an hour this afternoon, although she went to the shops twice today. If they don't get the radio fixed, we could swap cd's, I might like a sea shanty and you can borrow our Roy Orbison and antique hit songs wot was around just after they invented guitars. I don't mind the cd's it's just my mum singing along that bugs me. That was nice of Mrs TM to take you out when OTL left you behind. I'm keeping my paws crossed it gets a bit warmer tomorrow. Take care, stay safe and warm all. Love, licks and sniffs from little Arch and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  2. Well, at least you had 2 walks to enjoy today.

    Hugs, Sarn xxx
