Tuesday 25 January 2022

Same old tale!

Hi Woofers,

Daisy and Eric de Ferret here!

Well, it's been a bit of a nothing day today, we took the big car down to the menders to get the radio fixed then it was back home for a snooze. Well, all except Eric!

He was banging on his cage door until OTL let him out, then he climbed up onto OTL's shoulders and curled around his neck.

After that Eric curled up in OTL's arms and went to sleep.

So, OTL put Eric back into the cage and just as he was closing the cage door, Eric woke up and climbed out of the cage and onto OTL's shoulders again!

Would you believe that this carried on five times before he properly fell asleep and went back to snoring his tail off!

Mind you, OTL does love a cuddle with Eric who gets loads of cuddles!

It has been rather colder than normal today and to be honest, I was glad to get back home from the walk and snuggle up with OTL. 

You see, Eric's not the only one who gets cuddles!

See you all tomorrow, I'm off for a snooze and a cuddle!


Daisy and Eric de Ferret.


  1. It was brass monkeys out there today. Not surprised you had to have a cuddle to warm up when you got home!

    Spect Eric is lonely now Miss Wendy is no longer there & that’s why he was playing up!!!

    Hugs, Sarn xxx

  2. Yo maties. Well I was waiting up for you last night but in the end I had to just give in and go to bed. I like cuddles as well, specially when my mum gives me a bear hug cuddle. It's a shame you and Eric the brave can't have a nice snuggle together, he must miss his snuggle mate. Hope the menders fixed the radio. It's been very cold here yesterday and my mum made me go for a walk with her. I reckon she's big enough to walk on her own now so she don't really need to take me with her to look after her. It seems a bit warmer here today so paws crossed for a better day than yesterday. I think I can even see a bit of sun you know. Take care, stay warm and safe all. Love, licks and sniffs from little Arch and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
