Thursday 17 February 2022

A Touch of Wind!

 Hi Woofers!

Daisy here.

There I was, Last night, almost fast asleep when I heard one of the big plastic bins fall over and go skidding along the path by the side of the house! On top of that there was the noise of a rather blowy wind rattling the window frames!

Ant that was on Wednesday!

The storm is not due until tonight and tomorrow!

Mind you, the wind blew all of the clouds away!

Old Two Legs has been busy 'Manufacturing' this morning and he finished just before the lunchtime walk. In fact, he got it down the carrier with time to spare and we were back to the seaside in our normal time.

The Daffodillies still haven't bloomed yet and I just can't remember where I saw the one that had bloomed!

It won't be long now!

Today we found a newish yellow tennis ball and we had a good game of 'chase' until I got the ball and hid it in a bunch of weeds where OTL couldn’t find it!

OK, let's see if you can find it now!

I don't mind a game of chase but I must admit that I get fed up with it after a short while. It's then that I hide it or run off into the bushes where he can't find me!

Told you couldn't find it!

OTL was a little upset 'cos it was a brand-new ball but I wouldn't tell him where I hid it!

No, it's not in there either!

All afternoon we have heard the weatherman telling of terrible storms coming over the horizon, floods, plagues of insects and frogs!

So, we are going to stay in bed and keep out of the way tomorrow!

You all keep safe as well!




  1. Yo Daisy. Well it was well windy here last night, my mum thought some of the trees in the gardens behind might come down as well as a fence panel or more, but this morning they were all still standing, mind we don't know wot we might find tomorrow. My mum and my boy are both home tomorrow so at least I won't have to go out at silly o clock and we can all stay home warm and safe. My mum said the wind kept her awake last night but I didn't hear it. Nice pictures of you today. I hope you can remember where you hid that ball for when you feel like a game next time. I'm going for a pre dinner snooze now just in case the wind is noisy and keeps me awake tonight, you have to be prepared. Take care, stay safe and warm all. Love, licks and sniffs from little Arch and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  2. Lovely pictures of your windy walk!!!

    Not looking forward to the predicted weather. Let’s hope the forecast is wrong!!!

    Stay safe everyone xxx
