Friday 25 February 2022

Fun Friday.

 Hello Woofers!

Daisy here again.

I took a look at the weather forecast last night and according to the forecast there is about five days of sunshine starting from today!

Just to be sure of what we were going to get I managed to wake Old Two Legs a little earlier than normal, a cold wet nose in the ear does wonders!

As we headed towards the car park the sun climbed up over the horizon and we managed to catch 'The Watcher' sitting with his dog on the bench.

The woofer is a Jack Russell who kept on woofing his tail off and directing it towards me!

Woof your tail off Jack, at least I'm allowed off my lead!

Back home I managed to get a couple of Chicken strips as a bribe to keep me on my bed under the desk but I would have gone under there anyway!

Come lunchtime I got OTL out earlier again, mainly because I kept on jumping up onto his lap and begging for some more chicken strips!

 Pretty soon we were walking across the football field with me sniffing the sniffs!

He can shout as much as he wants, first I need to dissect this sniff!

Down on the sea wall we met up with a couple of Two Legs out enjoying the sunshine but that was it, no one else at all!

Here's that sniff again! That's the third time I've sniffed it this lunchtime!

Just for a change and because the sun was bright and warm on my back, we went down onto the beach for the first time this year!

First of all, I enjoyed a good dig, it was a hole the ferrets would have been proud of!

I remember back when I would dig a hole then Snowflake or Mr Brambles would come along and shove me out of the way so they could carry on digging the hole!

I left the hole and ran up the beach a bit further before finding a super bit of beach that called out to me to have a roll, and roll I did!

You just can't beat a good roll in something that sniffs like this!

Back home to get some lunch and then off for a snooze under the office desk to listen to OTL plonking away on the computer keyboard.

Well, someone has got to do it!

See you tomorrow.




  1. Yo Daisy. Well the weather was a bit better today although when I got up first thing there was lots of lumps of hail in my garden. I decided to take my mum out for a late walk today on account I wanted to be sure there was no rain clouds lurking. I didn't see any of my mates so it was a bit boring but there were plenty of sniffs about just none of them were rolly sniffs. smashing pictures today and I'm glad you managed to find a nice rolly sniff. We've all had a nice lazy day here today on account of working tomorrow so we decided to make the most of our last day off together. I'm having an early night on account of having to get up at silly o clock tomorrow, so take care, stay safe and warm all. Love, licks and sniffs from little Arch and the others.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  2. Sounds like a good day Daisy. Nice for you to have fun on the beach. OTL did a good job with the photos. Xxx
