Monday 21 February 2022


Hi Woofers!

Daisy here again!

It's been right drafty today. Starting this morning we got blown all over the place when we went for our morning stroll.

First, we met up with the Hooligans who had their coats on.

Their coats were being blown up their backs by the wind and sort of slapped them on their backs!

 It's Moving Again!

It was driving both of them potty trying to stop them from flapping and at the same time both woofers were trying to catch the coat tails and pull them off!

Stop Flapping and Geroff my back!

We left them dancing around in circles and getting more frantic as the wind blew!

Max and Oscar thought it was very funny 'cos they had coats that were strapped down across their backs, mind you they had bits of their coats flapping as well but it didn't worry them at all!


We don't worry about a coat flap at all!

The sun had got up and was rather strong, especially as there were very few clouds in the sky

A lonely bench, getting a suntan!

Max and Oscar's Two Legs (Paul) has got a new camera and has been getting ideas from Old Two Legs, especially about getting down to eye level with the woofers you want to photograph. Now Paul has a dodgy leg and prevents him from jumping up and down, but today he managed to drop down and just for fun, we all gathered around so he can take a shot of us all.

OK, all together now, say 'SNIFF'!

Now, that should have been fine but just as Paul pressed the shutter release, a big gust of wind came roaring along the path and blew Paul over onto his back!

He ended up on his back with his legs in the air, looking like a woofer rolling in a really good sniff!

OTL was laughing his tail off so much that he forgot to take a picture!

Photographic Lesson number two, get the sun behind you when it's shining!

We all thought it was good fun and no one was hurt!

Back home OTL was playing with the 'White Balance' settings he needed to change under the office lighting conditions.

In the office we have LED lighting and it needs to have the WB setting on 'Halogen' setting!

Oh, by the way, this is not a new ferret, it's a model of a ferret that Harrietsham Ferret Rescue presented to OTL a few years ago as a prize at the Harrietsham 'Ferret Show'!

'Ferret Still Life'

By the way, another fence panel has been trying to fly away, we'll leave it until tomorrow to put it back!

Bye for now.




  1. Hope your fence panel doesn’t escape. We had the roof properly fixed today thankfully.

    Nice outside pictures.

    Hugs, Sarn xxx

  2. Yo Daisy. Well it rained and rained all night and most of the day here, it did stop for a little while and the sun came out from behind a cloud so I decided to take my mum for a walk, mind, I didn't go far cos the wind was still strong and trying to blow us back and it was freezing out there. I caught the sniff of rain again so I decided to give up for today and maybe I might take her out tomorrow if the weather is better. I was worried my mum was going to take off in the wind. We've had a nice lazy day with plenty of snuggles. My boy walked over town late this afternoon to get my mum some apple turnovers, then he came home and was muttering about not being able to use his phone to pay on account there was something wrong with the contactless machines in Sainsburys, so he picked up his card and some cash and went back again, now I reckon he must be after a very big favour if he went 2x to Sainsburys to get 2 apple turnovers. Nice pictures today and glad you met up with some of your mates. Trust OTL to miss the snap of the day ........ tsk OTL. I'm getting a tad fed up with all the bits of branches landing in my garden from the trees from over the back, honestly Daisy, it's getting quite hazardous having a quick wee in the garden. Take care and stay safe and warm all. Love, licks and sniffs from little Arch and the others.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
