Saturday 19 February 2022

OTL's Reward!

Hi Woofers!

It's Daisy again!

Now I hope you all got through the high winds yesterday without too much damage to yourself or house.

I see Sarn has a couple of roof tiles loose but she came out unscathed!

It was surprising to see the sky’s being so clear this morning, the wind had blown it all away!

And there it was, all soft and shiny again!

The Daffodillies’ survived the wind and looking at the blooms, it won't be long before we see the flowers!

I reckon it will be no more than a week before the flowers burst out!

You know how good Old Two Legs was in advising the electrical company about the power cable yesterday? Well, this morning we were heading off for a walk and a wee but got stopped no more than half a mile before we came to the sign that told us the cables had fallen to the ground or the engineers had arrived to stick a new pole in the ground!

The diversion takes us miles out of our way through narrow country lanes and at one time he had to reverse a couple of hundred yards to allow oncoming car and van to squeeze past!

Half way around we saw that the engineers were planting a new pole and the old one hadn't reached the ground yet!

So, that is it for today, OTL has been doing some accountancy and The Missus has been sloshing the glue and glitter around on some new gear she had delivered yesterday.

OTL also managed to put the fence panel back, gather up all the rubbish that had blown into the front drive.

Tomorrow it looks like it may be a little breezy with wind speeds of up to twenty miles per hour.

Keep safe!

Bye for now.




  1. Yo Daisy, well we've had a monsoon here today, still a bit windy but not as bad as yesterday. I went out at silly o clock to check all was well, not that I could see further than the end of my nose but all that should be there was there along with bits of branch from the trees at the back. The monsoon didn't start until after my mum got home from work. We've had a nice quiet day and me and my mum had a really nice snuggle up and snooze on the sofa. My mum got me in a big bear hug and we were nice and warm and didn't care about the monsoon outside. I'm glad the weather down there is better and paws crossed we have a dry day tomorrow. Nice pictures today. Shame about the road being closed though and wot about that big chimney wot fell down yesterday, down your way. My mum is hoping that when she gets home from work tomorrow she'll be able to do some glue flinging with all the flingers on zoom, so I might see you then. Take care and stay safe and warm all. Love, licks and sniffs from little Arch and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  2. Looks nicer your way. We had sun for a while but then the rain and wind were back!! Roof now watertight thanks to temp repair. Proper job due Monday!! Phew!

    Sorry about your detour. Hope you enjoyed walk regardless xxx
