Wednesday 2 March 2022

.............and it's still raining!

Hi my Woofer mates!

It's Daisy back again!

Well, we were ready for the rain this morning, The Missus got my rain coat out and I was all dressed up and looking smart by the time we were ready to go out.

It wasn't pouring but I got wet paws and a damp tum 'cos the grass is growing and there is no sign of the man with the grass cutter!

 Nice sniff but a little damp around the edges!

The Daffodillies were out, wet but out. There was one with the bloom knocked off but all the others were still there looking ready for the bees to arrive.

Mind you, I've not seen a bee yet, butterfly yes but no bee!

Looking good Mr Daffodilly!

Lunchtime was just as dismal but the rain had now turned into a 'Drizzle' which gets you just as damp but it takes a little longer!

By the time we were ready to go my rain coat had dried and was nice ad warm, straight out of the airing cupboard, but by the time I got to the car it was back to normal, cold! 

Lunchtime walk was much the same as the morning walk except we met up with a new woofer!

There I was, sniffing a sniff when this ball of nose and tail came crashing into my backside!

I turned around to see this little woofer, all excited and full of itself!

'Hello' he says, 'My names Charley and this is my second time out, and the niffs here are great, much better than the kennels where I've been all my life'! 


 Here is Charley, all excited and just starting out on life!

 Now we have a new woofer to watch out for!

See you tomorrow.




  1. Yo Daisy. Well the weather here has been orrible as well, it rained all night and it's rained all day. I decided not to walk my mum today on account of I didn't want to get wet. I stayed home on guard duty when my mum popped out and I guarded the fridge against my boy on account of he keeps robbing it. I've had quite a snoozy day cos I don't do wet, or damp and I've only been out when I really, really have to. That looks a nice little woofer wot you met up with today, hope you catch up with him again, you can show him all the best sniffs and how to dig holes in the sand when the weather gets better. I'm off for a nice pre scoff snooze on account there's not much to do when the weather is rotten. Take care, stay safe and warm all. Love, licks and sniffs from little Arch and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  2. Was dismal weather here too! I left my walk until there was a short dry spell!

    Nice to have a new friend to play with xxx
