Tuesday 1 March 2022

Foggy, Foggy Day!

 Hi Woofers!

Daisy here!

Well, if yesterday was all sunny and mild, the today is horrible!

We got to go down to the sea front but had difficulty in finding the sea!

 I see no sea, just a foggy thing over the water!

Walking further down the sea wall we caught sight of Sheerness in the fogy distance.

Well, the Tower is still there but as we got closer it also got enveloped in the fog!

Now, all the time it was also raining and we were getting wet. Just like Archie Babe, we don't like wet, especially when it is pouring under your collar!

It kept up the raining bit all day and Old Two Legs got soaked twice and sort of squelched his way around the walk!

We had some manufacturing to do today and customers had been sending emails asking for quotes. OTL says he really ought to be charging for a quote, he might make more money that way!

As you would guess, I got soaked as well and got soaked just as much as OTL but my paws were just as muddy as OTL's boots!

Let's hope the weather picks up tomorrow.

Bye for now.


1 comment:

  1. Yo Daisy, well I didn't see you or hear you today so you must have been working very hard with OTL. I hope he behaved himself on his walk today. I didn't go out on account of all the rain we had here. My mum spent most of the day flinging the glue and gassing with Mrs TM and Pat. My mum cooked some pancakes tonight but my boy was too full with his dinner to eat any, I did offer to help out but my mum said she'll have them tomorrow for brekkie. I'm not too happy about that. I think I'll be having a nice early night on account of it being cold and wet so I might as well snuggle up in my nice warm bed. Take care, stay safe and warm all. Love, licks and sniffs from little Arch and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
