Wednesday 16 March 2022

Chilly or wot?

 Hello Woofers!

Daisy here!

You know wot? Old Two Legs tried to give me a further haircut, well, he wanted to trim my butt hair that he missed yesterday!

Still, I told him where to go but he managed to get a few straggly bits chopped off!

You can photograph my head but not my butt!

I know he only has a 35mm lens on the camera so, if I get ahead of him, he won't be able to see my butt!

No closer!

Such was his effort to photograph me that he had the 'White Balance' set to 'Sunny' to take the above photos.

If all else fails, Read The Flipping Manual!

Near to the car park we met up with a few of the lads and I spotted a brill idea, a ball with a handle on the top!

I mean, not everyone can get their teeth into a ball, not even a Labrador but if you stuck a handle on it, Easy Peasy!

I bet it was a dog who designed that ball, makes sense!

Down on the beach I saw something that looked very odd. I couldn't make out what it was. It might be a monster’s backside as it tried to hide under the sand? 

It could be a Nelly Fish with a rubber skirt!

OTL came along and said it was an old tyre that had been covered with sea weed!

I be Holly would have known that as well!

Tomorrow, they have promised sunshine and balmy breezes!

Summer is on its way!

See you tomorrow.




  1. Yo Daisy, well that's a smashing picture of you. It rained here all day today so I declined to take my mum for a walk. I had visitors today, Brenda and Millie called to see me so I spent a couple of hours entertaining them. I had a nice siesta this afternoon with my mum, we snuggled up on the sofa cos the weather was cold and miserable. I like the idea of a ball with a handle. Holly chops knew everything so I'm sure she would have had an explanation for that thing on the beach. Did you get the Sahara orange dust today? I don't know if we did on account of me rushing in and out only when I needed too cos I got as wet as I could stand yesterday. Take care, stay warm and safe all. Love, licks and sniffs from little Arch and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  2. Lovely pics. Great idea about that ball with a handle on it xxx
