Thursday 17 March 2022

Sunshine all over the place!

 Hi Woofers!

Daisy here again.

Well, true their word, the weathermen were right, after yesterday’s chilly day, today has been all sunshine and warm weather!

This good weather is due to last for the rest of the week!

It was a little chilly first thing but soon warmed up. One thing that was funny, everything was covered with dust, the windscreen on the car was all smeary and took time to wash off!

Must have been that African Dust that Archie Babe was talking about yesterday!

Just for a change, Bench, Poo Bin and Tree!

You know, unless something drastic happens, I reckon we have seen the last sunrise until Winter Time.

That's not counting Old Two Legs doing a 'Fiddly Diddly' with the camera settings!

It's 'Fiddly Diddly Time'!

Lunchtime walk found these three Turnstones having a break from flying and paddling their feet in the tide.

That was a long flight from Sheerness!

Being a high tide and the sun beaming down I just couldn't resist having a dip in the water. I only went in up to my tummy but a few degrees warmer I might have gone in for a real swim, providing OTL finds a stick for me to fetch!

Just wait until we are on holiday, there is a super beach with clean sand and gentle sloping beach, just right for a woofer to have a swim!

You know I even remember Holly going in for a 'Deep Paddle' and getting her tummy wet!

Friday tomorrow, end of the week and the weekend arrives!

See you all tomorrow.



1 comment:

  1. Yo Daisy. Well it's been a nice sunny day here as well, was a tad chilly first thing so I only went half way round my walk but it did warm up. I guarded the house while my mum went shopping on account my boy was doing a course online today, he passed his course, I'm not surprised he's quite clever like you and me and Holly chops was. My mum treated him to a take away for being so clever. The rest of the day I spent catching up on my zzzz's while my mum was flinging the glue and I was only disturbed a few times by her and Mrs TM and Pat giggling. I'm considering an early night cos that guarding is exhausting you know. Smashing pictures today. It's funny how Holly chops enjoyed a dip when she was on her holiday, I'm guessing she thought the water was cleaner up norf than it is down here. I think it's time for me to go and hunt down some scoff. Take care, stay safe and warm all. Love, licks and sniffs from little Arch and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
