Thursday 10 March 2022

Sandy Beach Babe!

 Hi Woofers!

Daisy Dog here again.

Well, Spring is here and that's official! Not only have the flowers been blooming but the leaves are starting to burst out of the buds on the Hawthorne. 

Mind you, we missed the sunrise and I suppose that is another sign the Spring is well on its way and Summer is close!

You know the clouds can be just as interesting as the sun if you catch them in the right light!

Now then, just look at the leaves bursting out. They certainly were not here yesterday but today most of the Hawthorne trees have sprouted leaves!

By the end of the week, I reckon there will be leaves all over the tree!

Of course, there are no leaves on the beach but the sand is very sniffy and it just calls to me!

You just can't beat a good roll in some sniffy sand, it really sets you up for the day!

Mind you, Old Two Legs still tries to stop me, not that I listen to him!

This afternoon we had the man in to clean the gutters and the amount of moss he got out was amazing!

OTL has done it all in the past but old age is creeping up on him and climbing ladders to clean gutters is getting too dangerous!

It's bad enough when he has to climb up into the loft, mind you, I must admit I enjoy going up there with him!

Well, that's it for today, the sun has been shining this afternoon but there is rain forecasted for the weekend, mind you, that could make the sand soggy!

See you all tomorrow.




  1. Yo Daisy. Well I went for an early walk today and it was nice and sunny, not so chilly as it has been. I didn't see any of my mates though but I did find some interesting sniffs here and there. Me and my mum did a couple of little jobs and then we had a play with a bit of glue flinging. It's been a nice relaxing day and I had a snooze while my mum popped over town quickly. Smashing pictures today and I'm glad you found a nice sniff to have a roll in, it's been quite a time since I've found one worth rolling in. I must say it seems a sensible idea for OTL to get someone to go up and clean the gutters, I mean, they're a long way from the ground. I hear OTL has got a new hose. Take care, stay warm and safe all. Love, licks and sniffs from little Arch and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  2. Beautifully cloudscape.
    Didn’t see you at Crufts today - were you hiding? Xxx
