Tuesday 19 April 2022

A new command for Charlie!

 Hello Woofers!

It's me again, Daisy Dog back with a thrilling tale of daring do and danger!

Well, I had to jump off the sea wall to keep out of the way of a big brown Labrador who I know would want to have a sniff of my tail and he gets all showy off if I growl at him!

We got down to the sea wall a little earlier than in the last week or two but there wasn't a real sunrise, just a sort of reflection off the mud!

Having done several like this I reckon it's getting a bit samey, so OTL has got to look for something different!

Lunchtime we met up with Susie and young Charlie out for a run around.

Charlie was all big and proud 'cos he has learned a new command, 'DOWN'.

He insisted on showing us his Down position and said that he could go from Down to Sit with just a teak of his tail!

Look, look, this is my 'Down', see not even a twitch!

OTL managed to get a shot of him before he demonstrated his 'Sit' stance.

I must say, he is getting very good. The next step is to return to his Two Legs when called, but that's all in the future and he is just a young pup with a whole lot to learn yet!

Now, how about this for Sit?

Being a good boy, he got a tickle on his tail before Susie pushed him out of her way so OTL could give her a stroke as well!

The rest of the day has been sort of snoozy, OTL hasn't done anything in the garden cos his fingers still hurt from yesterday’s grass pulling so I don't suppose he will be doing any more until the weekend!

Let's hope tomorrow is sunny.

Bye for now.


Daisy Dog.


  1. Yo Daisy. You are very brave, if I lived near you I would come and chase that big woofer away. I had an early walk this morning and met up with Boris the bounce and we had a quick chat about the local sniffs. I also me a very little mini TL who asked if she could stroke me and my mum said if I let her she could, but I decided to hide behind my mum instead cos some very little mini TL's pull a woofers ears or tail so I don't trust them anymore. I sent my mum off shopping this morning and then she did a few more little jobs when she got home and then it rained so we had a nice siesta. Smashing pictures again today. I don't blame OTL for taking it easy. Take care and stay safe all. Love, licks and sniffs from little Arch and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  2. Very clever dog- but not as clever as you Daisy! Xxx
