Monday 18 April 2022

Poor OTL!

 Hello Woofers!

Daisy here!

Well, yesterday Old Two Legs was working hard digging up all the weeds and grass from between the paving slabs and didn't finish until gone five.

Today he wasn't so energetic in his weed work!

It started first thing when we got to the sea wall. There was a ship heading into Sheerness docks but it was still out on the horizon and OTL wanted to catch it as it was lit up by the sun, however, OTL was creaking from the aching bones and by the time he got to the sea wall, the ship had gone past the sun’s reflection!

Curses! Missed it!

I took the opportunity to have a little paddle in the sea but it was all sudsy where the waves were stirring up the sand. OTL wanted to take a photograph but I refused to turn around, I mean, I just wasn't looking my best!

No, go and photograph something else, I look a mess!

So, he did, he found a snail that was hiding in the flower head of a weed that is rather prolific in the forest and the paths beside the meadow.

I'm hiding, so leave me alone!

Back home, OTL had been working away in the garden again. He had been given instructions on what plants are to be left and what ones can be dug up. Unfortunately, the de-weeding tool slipped and one poppy plant got cut down!

He managed to fill up one of the brown bins that are reserved for compostable items. He started on the second bin but ended up leaving the weeding until tomorrow, his fingers and arms were aching from pulling at the grass and weeds.

Couple that with the pain he got from the midges nibbling at his hand and through his socks!

It's a good job I get some anti flea and midge stuff once a month!

See you all tomorrow.



1 comment:

  1. Yo Daisy. Well I've had quite a nice day here in the sun. I went for a late walk, missed seeing all my mates though. My mum has been busy washing anything that we weren't wearing, so the machine has been very busy and the washing line full up. Smashing pictures today, shame you couldn't face the camera though so I could see your smile. Poor OTL, maybe you should let him have some of your flea stuff then he wouldn't get bitten. Hope Mrs TM didn't spot the poppy getting pulled out. Tomorrow my mum has got a list of jobs to do, she's got to go and pick up my medication though before she can do anything else, I mean, I don't do waiting for my stuff and she better not forget the 4 bags of treats she forgot to pick up last week. Take care and stay safe all. Love, licks and sniffs from little Arch and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
