Sunday 17 April 2022

Gardening and Hayfever don't mix!

 Hello Woofers!

Here I am again, Daisy Dog!

You know, there are times when Old Two Legs is reduced to a snotty, sneezing, eye watering pile of rubbish.

It's called Hay Fever time!

Today it has started and all that sneezing gives him a head ache as well!

It's a shame really 'cos he started doing the garden, well, digging up all the weeds that have set up home in the nooks and crannies’ all around the garden.

There's a path under that lot!

This bit is called the Patio!

So, you can see that it is all in need of some attention! Of course, all that had to wait until I had my walkies!

Other than the Fishermen and the Strangers who arrive at Weekends and Holidays I didn't see any of the usual crew. So, instead of them OTL and I went hunting flowers and bugs!

Well, the Slippy Cows are still doing well and as soon as they fade the Ox Eye Daisies will be out.

This little bug was so small we almost missed it and we didn't spot the fly until we got home and looked at the photo on the computer!

Back home OTL spent the rest of the day getting the grass and other weeds dug up and by late afternoon he had made an impression on the garden but he still has more work to do tomorrow!

Well, that's the patio de weeded!

This shows the pond but only half of it, the rest is still six feet deep in weeds!

This is me telling OTL to pack up for today and open the kitchen door for me to go in!

I'll get him up early tomorrow and providing it's not raining; he can finish off the today rest of the garden!

Bye for now!


Daisy Dog.


  1. Yo Daisy. I know just the problem with TL's and snotting and sneezing everywhere, doesn't it get on yer nerves. When my mum came home from work this morning she decided she would do a bit of work in the garden instead of having 40 winks with me, so there she was out there cutting the grass and sneezing all over the place and then a bit of weeding, I'm glad I stayed indoors otherwise she would have given me a headache. I just don't know why the do it. My mum used up all her energy in the garden so we've had a lazy afternoon finished off with my mum ordering a chinese takeaway for dinner. I sniff the plawn clackers and flied lice but I didn't get a look in or even so much as a sniff of the king plawns. My boy is back to work tomorrow but he's on lates this week which means we all get to have a bit of a lay in. Smashing pictures today, looks like OTL worked hard in the garden. I reckon it's good of you to get him up early tomorrow so he can finish off wot he started. If I was you I'd watch him through the window on account of he might sneeze so hard that he blows you into the pond. Take care and stay safe all. Love, licks and sniffs from little Arch and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  2. Wow - OTL has done a good job on Rd patio. Been a lovely day xxx
