Thursday 21 April 2022

TM gets a dose of vitamin D!


  Hello Woofers!

It’s me again, Daisy Dog.

Another lazy day. This morning The Missus decided that she would come out with us for a walk along the sea front. She said that staying at home and playing at card making was causing a short fall of vitamin D, something to do with sunshine.

When Old Two Legs wants a dose of vitamin D he just takes his hat off and the sun tickles his bonce!

Mind you, come lunchtime TM decided that she had got enough vitamin D and needed to get a whiff of glue to balance her diet!

I find I can get all the vitamins I need from a good sniff of a well-used tuft of grass!

  Just look at all the vitamins amongst the poo!

 We came across a tent hiding in the bushy glad. Now Holly would have gone and investigated to see if there were any nibbles available but I'm not so brave, so I left it alone and didn't even have a wee outside the door!

Mind you, there are notices saying 'No Camping', not that anyone reads them!

 OTL spent most of the time hunting bugs amongst the weeds and came up with this fine specimen!

  To get this shot he had to lean over a big bunch of nettles!

 See you all again tomorrow!




  1. Yo Daisy. OTL is very brave leaning over a big bunch of nettles, you wouldn't find my mum anywhere near nettles. Smashing pictures today. Me and my mum got our vitamin D but only for a little while, I decided halfway round that I was getting an overload so I turned round and went home. You're very good not to go and have a look at that tent, I would have cocked my leg up it. Holly was good at routing out nibbles though. My mum was invited out for a meal in London tonight but she was so tired and a bit under the weather that she had to say no, all say ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. My boy treated her to a burger though on account he felt sorry for her. We've had a quiet day, watching a lady wot was flinging the glue on the telly and showing Mrs TM's cards. Take care and stay safe all. Love, licks and sniffs from little Arch and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  2. Hope TM got plenty of Vitamin D. Also hope OTL didn’t get stung xxx
