Monday 30 May 2022

A day of sun and rain!

Hi Woofers!

Daisy here!

This morning I looked at the calendar and saw it was marked as a Bank Holiday. It was strange that Old Two Legs was up early and working in the office, I mean, it's not like him to miss out on some time off!

Well, we had discussions and worked out that the Bank Holiday has moved to the end of the week due to the celebrations. It was most unfair; I was getting in the mood for putting my paws up and snoozing!

Now I’ll have to wait!

Mind you, there was loads of sunshine this morning and no wind which showed when the power station let go of some steam into the air, it went straight up!

It's not often that it goes straight up!

You know, we were so early that we didn't see any woofers on the sea front and I had to put up with sniffs from yesterday!

Lunchtime we were out again and because OTL had been giving me a trim around my bits, it felt just a little of a draft!

He plans to a little bit each day, saying that it was the only way to give me a haircut without stressing me.

 Stressed? Me?


I don't know what they are called but looking at them relieves my strass levels!

 Lunchtime the clouds had come back and there was rain in the air, not much but I felt it on my nose. It was later in the day that OTL was rushing around closing windows to stop the rain from soaking the curtains!


Just look at that lot, might be enough to wash the car with!

 One thing we have noticed over the last six months or so is the lack of rabbits. At one time there were loads of them and Holly and I had great fun chasing them into the bushes but we haven't seen any for ages. In fact, it is OTL who manages to spot them before I do. Today, however, I saw one in the grass and was going to give chase but decided it was just too far away and by the time I got to where I saw it, it would have been half way up the Medway!


 It was there and now it's gone!

 I hope Archie Babe didn't get into trouble, I sometimes woof when I want to go out or want a game but OTL is too slow and all he can do is grumble!

See you tomorrow.



1 comment:

  1. Yo Daisy. Smashing pictures today. It was dry here early this morning and then we had a few showers, not that we minded cos I had an early walk and then we all settled down to watch the new Star Trek series when the rain came. We were snuggled on the sofas and chairs with snacks and snuggles. My boy went over town this afternoon and got caught in the rain but he didn't mind too much, he said it was quite refreshing ......... hmmmmm, I don't find wet refreshing I just find it wet. Don't worry about me getting into trouble Daisy, I never get into trouble cos I know just how to make my mum feel guilty. Don't let OTL know you're not stressed otherwise he might just get them clippers out ....... shhhhhhhhhh. I've been chasing pigeons out the garden, they sit there and don't notice a woofer sneaking up on them until the last minute ....... you wait, one of these days I'll catch one. Well these lazy days are quite tiring so I think I'll go put my paws up until scoff time. Take care all and stay safe. Love, licks and sniffs from little Arch and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
