Tuesday 10 May 2022

More running about today!

 Hello Woofers!

It's Daisy here again!

Well, today has been another of those busy days. It starts off with making sure that Old Two Legs gets up on time!

Then of course we have to get him down the sea front so I can see the sun behind the clouds!

It didn't work, all I saw was the clouds but I did see a new view. How about a Tree, The Bench, a Tree and a poo bin?


Well, it's new!

 Just by moving a few yards in front of the trees the clouds come into play and you can catch the passing ship as well.

  And this is new as well!

Now then, it only takes a few more steps to the right and the clouds change and you are also looking into the sun, which changes your outlook again!

  Now, this is different!

 Lunchtime was interesting as well, I went looking for rabbits in the bushes but I think they were still in bed; however, I did see a Cooking Fat and as soon as it saw me it was off like a streak of light!

In fact, it went so fast I thought its tail was on fire!

 OK, where did it go?

  After the cat, the next thing I saw was a squirrel but just like the cat, one looks at me and it was off!

  You know it's legs are shorter than mine but it's still fast!
No woofers today and once we got into the forest it was all green leaves and flies!

Back home it was back to programming and after that, off to the carrier and the customer who wants it all yesterday.

You just can't please them all!

See you tomorrow.



1 comment:

  1. Yo Daisy. Well it rained here for all the morning, mind it didn't start until it saw me put my nose out the front door for my walk. I only went a few yards and then I turned round and headed for home. My mum took me to the vets this morning to see the ladyeeeeeeezzzzzz on account she thought my back might be hurting me, well it wasn't and the vet pulled and pushed and twisted me in all directions and couldn't find anything wrong so she put a giant sized thermometer up my chuffer ....... well I really don't like things in my private places but as usual I was a complete gentleman and just stood still and carried on trying to lick the vet. Some of the nurses came to see me and said they were looking forward to me spending the day with them on Monday for my dental, they reckon they'll be forming a queue for cuddles. Now who am I to disappoint a lady. Well the plumbing man was going to come and fix the toilet wot they fixed yesterday but didn't but then they didn't have the part they reckon they need so they've ordered it and will come when it arrives. Me and my mum had a lovely siesta this afternoon, all snuggled up. Smashing pictures today, the best ones are the ones of you though. Take care and stay safe all. Love, licks and sniffs from little Arch and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
