Saturday 14 May 2022

Two Cats and a Fox!

Hello Woofers!

I'm back again!

First thing this morning it was rather cloudy but that didn't hang about too long and soon the sun burnt away all the clouds.


I bet you can't see what this one is!

Being a Saturday there were some new sniffs from the normal visitors, some of which I have sniffed before!

Lunchtime was fun, the tide was in and I managed to get a 'Deep Paddle'!

Just for a change, Old Two Legs didn't shout and holler at me to get out of the water, hi must have been in a good mood!

The buttercups were blooming but the Slippy Cows were still showing so no Ox Eye Daisies yet!

Being a Saturday there were the normal idiots riding around on motorbikes. This one was elektrik so it could creep up on you without making any noise!

Back home OTL did some more de weeding in the garden and we had a look at the 'Trail Cam' that has been out for a couple of nights.

This time re-recorded two cats and one fox!

It's going out again tonight to see what we can capture wandering around the garden!

See you tomorrow.



1 comment:

  1. Yo Daisy. Well it's been very warm here today so I've spent most of the day snoozing away from all the sunshine. I've had a lovely lazy day with a snooze with my mum when she got home from work. The Postie man woke us up. My boy had a walk to town and bought back some apple turnovers for my mum. Me and my mum are off to bed soon on account of getting up at silly o clock again tomorrow. Smashing pictures today, specially the ones of you. Glad you got the chance to have a dip. I have to say I hope that hooligan on the bike runs out of juice before he runs someone over. I wonder wot will visit your garden tonight. Take care and stay safe all. Love, licks and sniffs from little Arch and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
